- design data book 设计数据手册
- Some design data and mill examples are listed. 本文介绍了一些设计参数与工厂实例。
- PLX Technology. PCI 9052 Data Book [Z]. 2001. 北京中泰计算机研究所.;PCI-8310接口卡技术说明书(随卡资料)
- There are 12 species listed in IUCN/ICBP Red Data Book. 有12种列入IUCN/ICBP红皮书中.
- Use Dreamweaver MX to design data collecting platform. 2) 利用DREAMWEAVER MX设计数据录入平台
- More extensive tabulations are available in the Engineering Data Book. 更详细的数据可参考《工程数据书》。
- Vie design data mining tools based on three level structure of Clientj Server. 本文设计了一个基于C/S结构的数据采掘工具。 该工具采掘的数据源是银行卡系统的业务数据。
- The ability of an electronic design data base to recognize connections by association of data. Connectivity facilitates design automation and CAM processing. 一个电子设计数据库通过数据联系去识别连接的能力。连通性有助于设计自动化和计算机辅助制造。
- In this case, the values are colors you might choose to design data entry forms for a database. 在本例中,值是可以选择用来设计数据库的数据输入窗体的颜色。
- Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a Guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor,listed in the Red Data Book of plant in P.R. 元宝山冷杉是松科冷杉属的常绿针叶乔木,是20世纪70年代发现的新种,它是世界上仅产于广西融水县北部元宝山的残遗濒危种,已被列为一级保护的濒危植物。
- Designable data sources are bound by instance rather than by type. 可设计的数据源通过实例而不是类型进行绑定。
- The preliminary design data for the k APPA-DX rocket motor is presented in this web page. 初步设计数据的K appa -的DX火箭发动机是在这方面的网页。
- When the gas flow rate is less than design data normal pigging methods can not be used. 长输天然气管道输量较低时,管线无法进行正常的清管作业。
- To complete the quality report, statistics and ensure all the related data is the latest and correct. To prepare and submit the each Data Book on time requested by customer. 完成质量报告、统计数据,确保所有相关数据是最新的,正确的。按照客户要求及时制定和提交数据手册。
- Design data are stored primarily as vector data;geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data. 设计数据基本上是以矢量数据的形式存储,而地理数据则包含矢量数据和光栅数据。
- Yang QS, Feng ZJ, 1998.Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni.In:Wang S ed.China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals-Mammalia.Beijing:Science Press,341-344 (In Chinese). 中国科学院动物研究所哺乳类研究组;1958.;东北哺乳类调查报告
- A method is presented to implement real-time 3D road animation coupled with road design data and digital terrain model(DTM). 研究了一种用数字地面模型和公路设计数据实现实时三维动画的方法。
- Firstlythe digital terrain model is constructed using Delaunay triangulation technique, and then the road design data is merged into the DTM. 首先利用Delauany三角化方法构造数字地面模型,然后将公路设计数据与数字地面模型进行叠加。
- Based on experiments, the characteristics of the adapters are analyzed and the optimized design data for Ka-bank are given. 通过实验;分析了过渡器的特性;并给出了Ka波段内的优化数据.
- The paper introduce the principle、system design、data processing and algorithmic achieve-ment of the metrical equipment. 介绍了此方法的测角原理,测角装置的系统设计、数据分析处理和算法实现。