- The Integrating Method of Design Variable of Compound Gears Pump 复合齿轮泵设计变量的整型化方法
- The design variables are in the forms of discrete variables of the size of beam section, diameter and quantity of reinforcement, diameter and space of hoop. 设计变量以符合常规习惯的梁截面尺寸,主筋根数、直径,箍筋直径、间距等离散变量的形式出现。
- Is the address of a variable of type. 类型的变量的地址。
- Have some cognizance of mechanism. 对机械有一定的认识。
- One who believes in the doctrine of mechanism. 机械论者持机械论观点的人
- He failed in the examination of mechanics. 他没通过力学考试。
- A SQL variable of character data type can hold a string. 字符数据类型的SQL变量可以保存字符串。
- Virtual design is the trend of mechanic design. 摘要虚拟设计是机械设计的必然趋势。
- You can pass a variable of any data type except a structure. 则可以传递除结构以外的任意数据类型的变量。
- Declare a variable of type int to hold the error code. 声明一个int类型的变量来保存错误代码。
- Define a variable of type HMENU to store our menu handle. 定义一个句柄变量用来存储我们的菜单句柄。
- The mechanical cause of ShouWangFen brushstructure and variabilities of mechanical features of vorti-cal surfaces were analysed by the method of mathematics andmechanics. 用数学力学方法计算分析了寿王坟帚状旋扭构造的力学成因和旋扭断裂运动方式的变异性特征。
- Good understanding of mechanical design and fabrication process. 对机械设计和制造流程有透彻的了解。
- The thickness of laminated plates is considered as the object function and the winding angle as the design variable. 以层合板的各层铺设角为设计变量,层合板的厚度为目标函数进行优化设计。
- In concept design phase, selection and evaluation of mechanism are crucial. 在概念设计阶段中,机构的选择与评价较为重要。
- The Greek initiated the science of mechanics. 希腊人开创了力学这门科学。
- The traditional design method determined the design variable mainly according to experiences, then relies on the experiment to revise them. 传统的设计方法主要是根据经验确定设计参数,然后进行实验修正。
- Elongation variability of blend constituents. 混棉成分的伸长变异大。
- A review of mechanical behavior studies on bellows. 波纹管力学性能研究水平述评。
- We shall not digress into the history of mechanics. 我们不去深考力学的历史。