- He meditated on death for many days. 他数天来一直静思着死亡。
- I think it is inhumane to fry inmates on death row. 我认为对犯人电刑死刑不人道。
- Why do news programmers dwell on death and violence all the time? 为什么新闻节目总是大谈死亡和暴力?
- The German or Dutch description on the current labels is to be deleted. 现在商标上的德方文或荷兰文的说明予以取消。
- This convicted killer has been on death row for 5 years. 这位被判决死刑的杀人犯住在死囚牢房已5年了。
- description on death 死亡描写
- On death row, General Krantz is led to the electric chair. 在死刑房,“将军”被准备执行电刑。
- At least 79 child offenders are now on death row in Iran. 在伊朗现在至少有79位少年违法者列于死亡名单上。
- Tundra Stalker (Rank 1) will now work properly on Death and Decay. 苔原猎手(等级1)会正常对死亡凋零生效。
- Cast a cold Eye, on Life, on Death ,Horsemen ,passby! 投出冷眼,看生,看死,骑士向前!
- Buddha illuminates, safe and happy. Paradise on death. 佛光普照,事事顺利,吉祥如意,幸福平安。
- At least 75 child offenders are currently on death row in Iran. 另外至少有75位年少的罪犯现在正在伊朗的死刑名单上。
- Description on composition of CEMS and its development and application in China or abroad were presented. 阐述了污染源连续监测系统(简称CEMS)在国内外的发展和应用。
- Spiker is only a year old, but he's already done time on death row. 斯派克是一只只有一岁大的小狗,但由于被主人抛弃,无人照看而濒临死亡的边缘。
- Murakami's description on sex is the embodiment of Japan's traditional view of sex and lascivious aesthetic ideas. 村上笔下的性描写是日本传统性爱观和好色审美理念的体现;
- Inmates on death row will be put to death in the near future. 死囚名单上的犯人将在近期被处死。
- This paper made a brief description on the principles of leaching gold by biologicals. 本文简要论述了生物制剂浸金的原理。
- On death, their remains rained down to the sea floor. 死后,他们的遗骸大量地沉入海底。
- Enterprise may post job description on CDO website anytime of the year free of charge after proved by CDO. 经过职业发展中心核实信息后,企业可以随时在网站上发布职位信息。
- The article presentsthe classification and traditional weaving of that, with a special description on Hotan looms. 文章介绍了艾特来斯绸的分类与传统制织工艺,并对和田织机作了介绍。