- Can you put these cherries in descending order of size? 你能按尺寸的大小将这些樱桃排序吗?
- He talked about all those points in descending order of importance. 他对那几点按其重要性逐一谈了他的意见。
- Arranging records in ascending or descending order of the key field. 以键栏数值上升或下降的次序安排.
- He talked about all those points in descending order of importance. 他对那几点按其重要性逐一谈了他的意见。
- The sort order properties are specified in descending order of precedence. 排序顺序属性将以优先级的降序顺序来指定。
- Sorts output rows on the selected column in the Grid pane, in descending order. 依据“网格”窗格中的所选列对输出行按降序排序。
- I want to talk about all these points in descending order of importance. 我要以事情轻重顺序谈谈这几点。
- Scale (09) Succession of notes arranged in ascending or descending order. 音階(09)依序安排逐漸上升或逐漸下降的連續音符。
- You can sort database entries by any labels in ascending or descending order. 您可以按数据库作品的任何标签升序或降序秩序。
- For example, you might want to rearrange a list of the people in your department in descending order by where they sit. 例如,你可能希望对你所在部门的人员列表,按照你所认为他们胜任工作的能力从高到低重新排列。
- Append a - symbol to the beginning of the property name to display the results in descending order. 如果在属性名开头添加一个-符号,则按降序显示结果。
- Descending order is the reverse, except for blank cells, which are always sorted last. 降序则相反,但空白单元格总是排在最后。
- Lookup_array must be placed in descending order: TRUE, FALSE, Z-A,.2, 1, 0, -1, -2,., And so on. Lookup_array必须按降序排列:TRUE、FALSE、Z-A、。、2、1、0、-1、-2、。,等等。
- To toggle the sort order between ascending and descending order, click the column heading. 若要在升序和降序之间切换排序顺序,请单击列标题。
- These categories display objects in descending order from when they were created or last modified. 这些类别从对象的创建日期或上一次修改日期开始按降序显示它们。
- An index will be used for both an ascending and a descending ORDER BY, whether the index was ascending or descending. 不管索引是升序排列还是降序排列,在执行升序或降序ORDER BY操作时都会使用索引。
- To find the median of a data set, we first array the data in ascending or descending order. 为了计算一组数据的中位数,我们首先要把这些数据按由大到小或由小到大的顺序加以排列。
- The results are ranked in descending order using a decimal percentage and are partitioned by gender. 该结果使用百分比数按降序列出排位并按性别分区。
- The results are sorted first by Product ID (in ascending order), and then by Order Date (in descending order). 结果先按照“产品ID”(升序)、再按照“订单日期”(降序)进行排序。
- The results are sorted first in ascending order by sender address and then in descending order of size. 结果先按发件人地址的升序排序,再按大小的降序排序。