- What can adjust the tweak of depressive mood? 有什么可以调整压抑心情的好办法吗?
- Somebody commits suicide beside, how should debug oneself depressive mood? 身边有人自杀,该如何调试自己的压抑心情呢?
- How to make gift him change is depressed, depressive mood? ? 怎么做才能改变自己郁闷,压抑的心情??
- Conclusion XFC has significant effect on treating RA, meanwhile it could improve depressive mood. 结论XFC在取得疗效的同时,可改善RA患者抑郁情绪,提高生活质量。
- How can you let depressed mood become happy? 怎么样能让郁闷的心情变成愉快的?
- Why a kind of depressive mood is when be lovelorn? Why be a kind of unfixed mood? 在失恋的时候为什么都是一种压抑的心情呢?为什么不是一种解脱的心情呢?
- Objective To observe effects of Xinfeng capsule (XFC) on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in active phase and depressive mood, and study its mechanism. 摘要目的观察中药新风胶囊(XFC)对类风湿关节炎(RA)的疗效及其对抑郁情绪的影响,探讨其作用机制。
- After the procedure inducing a depressive mood, attentional bias was measured using the deployment-of-attention task (DOAT). 利用情绪引发程序,引发参与者的忧郁情绪状态,接著测量参与者在注意资源分配作业的表现。
- Among all disorders with depressive mood, adjustment disorder, dysthymia and depressive state related to physical disease were more common in Chengdu elderly. 适应性障碍,心境恶劣障碍和躯体疾病引起的抑郁是主要的抑郁类型。
- The hypothesis related to the purpose is that the dysphoric girl s depressive mood is less severe when positive emotional support from each system is higher . 本研究采前瞻性实验设计,追踪有忧郁情绪的青少女一个半月,分两个时间点分别青少女以及各支持系统的资料。
- Bath is washed in Maldives, you can discover washing bath is not the means of body of a kind of clean only, it lets person solution go dejected, release depressive mood. 在马尔代夫洗浴,你会发现洗浴并不只是一种洁身的方式,它让人解去苦闷,释放压抑的情绪。
- But this time, Cibelli left the lab in a depressed mood. 不过这次奇贝利沮丧地离开了实验室。
- Study on depressive mood of patients with STD 性病患者抑郁情绪研究
- Ferrer depressed mood after the match said: "The opponents played better than me, I lack the fighting spirit. 赛后费雷尔心情沮丧地说:“对手比我打得好,我缺乏战斗精神。
- If you wait for the reason of depressed mood disappearing and the mind opening, you would like a sitting duck. 当情绪低落时,如果你等着把情绪低落的原因消灭,心情自动开朗起来,无异坐以待毙。
- Stress may be causative in some cases and secondary to depressed mood in others. 紧张在一些案例里可能是原因,在别的情况下可能继发抑郁情绪。
- Investigation on Depressive Mood of Clinical Nurses 临床护士抑郁情绪调查
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- They already need to look for an export for their depressed mood, but more is right “the hidden rule” one kind resists and denounces. 他们既需要为自己的沮丧情绪找一个出口,而更多是对“潜规则”的一种抗争和声讨。
- Negativity ranges from irritation or impatience to fierce anger, from a depressed mood or sullen resentment to suicidal despair. 消极(的形式)有激怒、不耐烦、大怒、抑郁、阴沉的怨愤、企图结束生命的绝望。