- You can choose to pledge your time deposits as collateral, allowing you to earn higher interest while capitalizing on foreign exchange investment opportunities. 您可选择以定期存款作按金,在把握外汇投资良机的同时,亦可赚取较高的存款利息。
- You're betting I'll put up my meadow as collateral. 你是在打赌我一定会拿我那块草地作担保品。
- He used his house as collateral for the loan. 他用房子作贷款的担保。
- And we don't own anything to use as collateral. 可是我们没有任何可以做担保物的东西。
- bill deposited as collateral security 以汇票为抵押证券
- To pledge(property, for example) as collateral. 抵押抵押(财产等)作为担保品
- What kind of property can be used as collateral? 什么样的财产可以做贷款抵押呢?
- Responsible for cash receipt and deposit, and control petty cash fund as well as collateral custody; Responsible for check issuance to disburse cash. 负责现金的收入和银行存放,控制小额现金,同时负责保管现金的抵押品;负责支票的签发以支付款项。负责审核和业务相关的员工的差旅费报告。
- The government took all of Chrysler's assets as collateral. 政府把克莱斯勒公司的全部资产当作附属担保品。
- cash deposit as collateral 押金
- Call loans use securities as collateral for the loan. 通知贷款需要用有价证券来担保。
- deposit as collateral 以存款作担保
- The stake is now held as collateral by state bank VEB. 目前,这些股份作为抵押品被俄罗斯国有的国家发展银行(VEB)持有。
- A company may not accept the company's own share certificates as collateral. 公司不得接受本公司的股票作为抵押权的标的。
- Margin serves as collateral to cover any losses that you might incur. 保证金服务是作为一种抵押,用以抵消投资者可能招致的损失。
- The hedge funds pledge the purchased assets as collateral for the loan. 对冲基金用买进的资产作为贷款抵押品。
- As collateral to refinance securities from a securities finance enterprise. 二、作为向证券金融事业转融通证券之担保。
- Bankers Trust Company to purchase lending staff RP shares as collateral to the French bank for a loan. 信孚银行以借贷员工所购的RP公司股票作抵押,向一家法国银行申请贷款。
- On this contract signing date, the Lessor has received a deposit as rent security amounting to_________baht. 7、如果本店房在合同终止之前依法被没收,双方同意本合同遂告终止,双方不得向对方提出索赔。
- Everything was checked out, and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan. 里里外外检查了一遍之后,银行同意用他的车作担保。