- Methods Clinical data of 97 MND patients were collected and then a retrospective analysis was made.The frequency statistics, dependability analysis and cluster analysis were applied. 方法选取运动神经元疾病住院病人97例进行回顾性临床调研分析,运用频数统计、相关性分析和聚类分析。
- However DT must provide dependent information to ensure the same semantic affinity between DT and VLIW assembler, then we make a dependence analysis for DT. 为了正确调度DT中的操作,DT必须提供相关性信息来保证转换后的VLIW指令与其具有相同的语义,因此我们针对DT做了相关性分析。
- Zhao, Cheng and Goswami’s dependence analysis do not take the influence of synchronization into consideration, and Krinke only takes the influence on the intra-task data flow. 由于我们在构建依赖图时充分考虑了各种并发行为的影响,并结合并发和同步的语义,我们的并发程序依赖图比已知的其它方法都精确。
- Parallel compiling has become an essential means to exploit the vast computing power of modern supercomputers.The dependence analysis Is the key technique of a parallel compiler. 为了更好地利用多处理机系统提供的高性能,并行编译(重构)系统已成为多处理机系统必不可少的组成部分。
- You can't depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。
- Dependability Analysis of Data Communication Subsystem in Train Control System 列控系统中数据通信子系统可靠性研究
- The tides depend on the pull of the moon. 潮汐是月亮引力作用的结果。
- Then,it is revised and regulated based on basic dependency relationship between variables,basic structure between nodes and dependency analysis method to obtain a new Bayesian network structure. 然后基于变量之间基本依赖关系、基本结构和依赖分析方法,对初始贝叶斯网络结构进行修正和调整,得到新的贝叶斯网络结构;
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- Depend upon it, we shall succeed. 没问题,我们一定能成功。
- We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。
- The reordering loop optimization transformation was investigated from the perspective of dependence analysis and specified, meanwhile the two examples loop reversal and loop interchange were given. 从依赖分析的角度对重排序循环优化变换加以考查,并以循环逆转和循环交换为例阐述了其形式化描述方法。
- According to the dependence analysis,we present a transformation strategy that generates vector codes exploiting the partial reuse of vector registers during the vectorization of applications. 并给出了相应的程序转换算法,通过数据相关性的分析,在应用程序向量化时,生成采用向量寄存器部分重用的优化代码。
- We can depend on his arriving here on time. 我们可以相信他会准时到来。
- Then, it is revised and regulated based on basic dependency relationship between variables, basic structure between nodes and dependency analysis method to obtain a new Bayesian network structure. 然后羞于变量之间基本依赖关系、基本结构和依赖分析方法,对初始贝叶斯网络结构进行修正和调整,得到新的贝叶斯网络结构;
- Depend upon it, we shall solve the problem at last. 请相信,我们最终会解决这个问题。
- On this foundation, gave out to be able to develop the strategy to provide the science and technology that quantifies referenced data and means of economic dependency analysis for economy. 在此基础上 ,给出了可为经济发展战略提供量化参考数据的科技与经济相关性分析方法。
- Depend upon it, we shall win the game. 毫无疑问,我们会赢。
- It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人