- Department of Psychology Barat College. 学院心理学专业介绍。
- Einstein is chair of the department of psychology at Furman University. 爱因斯坦是南卡罗来纳州佛曼大学心理系主任。
- Psycholiguistist, Daniel and Amy Starch Professor of Psychology in Department of Psychology, Harvard University. 中文简介:哈佛大学心理系教授,认知神经心理学实验室主任。心理语言学家,认知神经心理学家。
- McDaniel is chair of the department of psychology at the University of New Mexico. 麦克丹尼尔是美国新墨西哥大学心理系主任。
- BARRY SCHWARTZ is Dorwin Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action in the department of psychology at Swarthmore College, where he has taught since 1971. 史瓦兹是美国史瓦斯摩学院心理系社会理论与社会行动领域的卡特莱特讲座教授,他从1971年便在此任教。
- Kinsley is MacEldin Trawick Professor of Neuroscience in the department of psychology and Center for Neuroscience at the University of Richmond. 金斯利是美国里奇蒙大学心理系及神经科学中心的教授。
- The MSc in Human Communication and Computing is a collaboration between the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Psychology. 人机交互和计算的理学硕士学位由计算机系和心理系之间合作。
- Steven Pinker, professor of psychology in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, is the author of How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997). 史蒂芬品克,心理学教授在麻省理工学院的部脑和认知科学,是作者如何铭记工程(诺顿, 1997年) 。
- The lab is at the Department of Psychology at McGill University, Canada.The website can offer the information about laboratory personnel, research assistant, online study. 加拿大麦吉尔大学心理学系社会认知研究实验室。
- About the presenter: Hans-Georg Bosshardt is a professor of psychology and vice-dean of the Department of Psychology at the Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany). 海风:你好!您的批评我完全接受!关于你客观的建议我也深表感谢!但我要说的是!
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- The Department of Psychology supports the mission of Kennesaw State University and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences with programs and policies which foster teaching and learning; profes. 美国肯尼索州立大学心理学系。
- Coan, an assistant professor in the U.Va. NeuroscienceGraduateProgram and the Department of Psychology, and his teamconducted astudy involving several couples who rated themselves ashighlysatisfied with their marriages. 可恩是弗吉尼亚大学神经系统科学硕士项目和心理学系的副教授,他所负责的研究小组对几对婚姻很美满的夫妇进行了一项研究。
- "That decision-making process all depends on what a woman is looking for in a relationship at that time of her life," said Lynda Boothroyd, from Durham University's Department of Psychology. 达勒姆大学心理学系的林达·布斯罗伊德说:“这一做决定的过程完全取决于一个女人在她人生的那个阶段需要什么样的感情。
- Wild chimps in West Africa pinch fruits from local farms to impress the lady chimps, and it seems to pay off, said Dr.Kimberley Hockings of the University of Stirling's department of psychology. 斯德灵大学心理系的金柏莉.赫京斯教授说,西非的野生黑猩猩会从当地农场偷摘果实来取悦母猩猩,而且这招看来相当有效。
- He makes much progress in study of psychology. 他在心理学研究上进步很多。
- "That decision-making process all depends on what a woman is seeing for in a relationship at those time of IT life," say Lynda Boothroyd, from Durham University's Department of Psychology. 达勒姆Univeisity心里学系的林达?布斯罗伊德说:“这一做决定的过程完全取决于唯一女宝宝子在她一生的那个阶段需求从一份感情中得到些什么。”
- He knows something of psychology. 他懂得一些心理学。
- "Remember, these cats have years to train up their owners," said study author Karen McComb, a specialist in animal vocal communication in the department of psychology at the University of Sussex. “记住,这些猫训练它们的主人,”研究作者卡伦麦库姆,一位苏赛克斯大学动物发声通讯心理学专家。