- dentoalveolar osteitis 牙槽骨炎
- Osteitis and bone erosion are manifestations an unusual, more advanced stage. 少数则会引起骨质破坏而造成颅内侵犯。
- Osteitis caused by Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination: an emergent problem in Chile ? 卡介苗性骨炎:是智利的一个紧迫问题吗?
- Objctive To evaluate the value of CT in diognosis of osteitis deformans in craniofacial lone. 目的:为了探讨CT诊断颅面部畸形性骨炎的价值。
- This is a case report of a patient with dentoalveolar protrusion and central and lateral incisors loss due to severe periodontitis. 本病例报告为一因严重牙周病而丧失上颚同侧正中门齿与侧门齿且合并有双颚齿槽前突的病例。
- Complications included osteonecrosis (n=1), osteitis (n=3), radiation dermatitis (n=2), facial palsy (n=2), and delayed healing (n=2). 全组33例中12例死于肿瘤复发,67.;0%25(8/12)患者于首次治疗后2年内死亡。
- It is suite difficult for dentist to treat patients with upper anterior teeth lost due to severe periodontitis with bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion. 摘要临床上患有双颚齿槽前突合并有严重牙周病而丧失上颚若干前牙的病患,欲寻求理想的整合性复健是相当困难的。
- Results The main clinical features of the patient were palma-plantar pustulosis,hyperostosis,osteitis,and the osseous biopsy showed chronic inflammation. 结果本例有手足掌面脓疱疮,双侧锁骨和第一前肋骨炎、骨肥厚。
- Mild osteitis fibrosa and osteitis fibrosa, the most frequent forms of renal osteodystrophy, were observed in 13. (22.8%) and 14 patients (24.6%), respectively. 轻度纤维性骨炎和纤维性骨炎是肾病性骨营养不良最常见的形式,分别有13名患者(22.;8%25)和14名患者(24
- Objective To discuss clinical and imaging features of SAPHO syndrome, a syndrome which clinically presents synovitis, hyperostosis, osteitis and skin lesions. 目的探讨滑膜炎、痤疮、脓疱疮、骨肥厚、骨炎综合征(SAPHO综合征)的临床和影像学表现。
- The main inclusion criteria were for adult patients (>18 years old) with a diagnosis of odontogenic abscesses (dentoalveolar, periodontal, or pericoronitis) or gingival inflammatory infiltrates. 主要纳入规范为成年病患(>18岁),诊断有牙源性脓疡(牙齿齿槽、牙周或者牙冠周围炎) 或者牙龈发炎渗液;
- In order to inquire into the curative effect and side effects of Emplastrum Osteitis Draw-out -put (EOD),used in the treatment of chronic Pyogenic Osteomyelitis (CPO), 245 patients with CPO were treated with EOD. 为探讨骨炎拔毒膏(EOD)对慢性化脓性骨髓炎的疗效其期副作用,本文对应用EOD治疗慢性化脓性骨髓炎共245例进行了初步观察。
- bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusio 双颌牙槽前突
- bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion 双颌牙槽前伸
- Destruction of lesion of dentoalveolar structures 牙槽构造病损毁坏术
- Dentoalveolar contraction technique 压缩减骨
- Drainage of abscess of dentoalveolar structures 牙槽结构脓肿引流
- X-ray Diagnosis of Osteitis Pubis 耻骨骨炎的X线诊断
- Drainage of cyst of dentoalveolar structures 牙槽结构囊肿引流
- CT Diagnosis of Osteitis Deformity 畸形性骨炎CT诊断