- Keywords The elder;Dentition incompletion;Dentition deletion;Restoration; 牙列缺损;牙列缺失;修复;老年人;
- dentition incompletion 缺牙
- A customer discovered the slight incompletion in the product. 一位顾客发现这个产品有一点不完整。
- Serial Extraction in the Mixed Dentition. 混合齿列期之循序拔牙法。
- It's Dr Begg who studied the attrited dentition. 临面磨耗对阻生牙意义重大。
- Such incompletion, this is not what I used to be. 这样的残缺不堪,已经不是以前的我。
- Complete dentition is greatly to be desired. 齿系完整最为理想。
- He was bothered by an intense sense of incompletion. 他是深深感到了大功未竟的遗憾。
- The incompletion of the grain circulation system is another cause. 粮食流通体制不完善也是导致粮价不稳的深层次原因;
- Fixed orthodontic treatment is rarely used on primary dentition. 固定正畸治疗一般很少在乳牙列上进行。
- Diganosis reference position of occlusal reconstruction of natural dentition. 自然牙列咬合重建的诊断参考位。
- An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition. 摘要上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。
- So, the prosthodontic treatment for severe attritted dentition with non-retentive telescopic denture was suggested. 因此以双重冠义齿做为牙齿严重磨耗病患之膺复治疗方式是可行的。
- Rough Set is a new mathematics theory that can deal with incertitude and incompletion data. 粗糙集理论是一种新兴的处理不精确、不确定与不完全数据的数学理论。
- Scheduled parity check skipped to next schedule due to incompletion of previous check. 由于没有完成前一次校验,调度的奇偶校验已跳到下一次调度。
- Picture yourself in the same room as the person with whom you have the incompletion . 想象你自己与那个使你感觉不完善的人在同一间屋子里。
- It is well known that modern Aves lack dentition, unlike their toothed ancestors of the Jurassic and cretaceous periods. 众所周知现代鸟类不长牙齿,而其侏罗纪和白垩纪的祖先则长有牙齿。
- Information is evolving as we watch, and thus it is in a constant state of incompletion. 随着我们的观察,信息在不断变化,因而它处于一种永恒的不完整状态。
- Facial asymmetry and canting dentition are commonly observed at orthodontic clinic. 颜面及齿列歪斜为矫正门诊中常见的问题。
- Objective To introduce an effective clinical appliance for functional crossbite of transitional dentition. 目的介绍一种临床上行之有效的治疗替牙期功能性反牙合的矫治方法。