- Dense star clusters are a veritable demolition derby. 稠密的星团里,简直就像在上演一场爆破大赛。
- dense star cluster 稠密星团
- The star cluster of the Pleiades is located at 28 degrees Taurus. 昂宿星团的星群位于金牛座28度。
- The star cluster of the Pleiades is located at28 degrees Taurus. 昂宿星团的星群位于金牛座28度。
- Explanation: Is this coat hanger a star cluster or an asterism? 说明: 这个形状像挂衣架的星体是一个星团还是一个星座呢?
- A supernova occurs when a hot, dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes, generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiation across space. 超新星爆炸是由于一个炙热稠密的恒星过快燃尽了燃料,突然发生内爆,从而向太空释放出冲击波和密集的辐射。
- A supernova occurs when a hot,dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes,generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiation across space. 超新星爆炸是由于一个炙热稠密的恒星过快燃尽了燃料,突然发生内爆,从而向太空释放出冲击波和密集的辐射。
- Left of Venus, the bright star Aldebaran anchors the V-shaped Hyades star cluster. 金星左方就是以明亮毕宿五为顶点的V字形恒星团。
- "The surrounding star cluster acts much like a lighthouse that pinpoints a dangerous reef," said O'Leary. “围绕的星团作用就像灯塔锁定危险礁岩,” 奥利说。
- A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen called a Bok globule is silhouetted against the star cluster. 一种叫“博克球状体”(Bokglobule)的冷分子氢“小金块儿”形成逆着星团的剪影。
- A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen, called a Bok globule, is silhouetted against the star cluster. 一个叫“博克球状体”的冷氢“小金块”逆着该星团形成剪影。
- Lying on the sleeper, watching out the window, dense stars in the head. 躺在卧铺上,看着窗外,茂密的繁星就在头顶上。
- The crop symbol for M8 is shown correctly as a circle plus an extended line, because it is an extended star cluster. 作物的象征,M8的结果表明,正确作为一个循环,再加上延长线,因为这是一个延长星群。
- What is this chaff we chew in our sleep if it is not the remembrance of fang whorl and star cluster. 若不是记起回到野蛮时代和星团,我们睡觉时嚼的糠又是什么?
- The 2.5-million-year-old star cluster called Trumpler 14 appears at the right side of the image. 被称作Trumpler14的年龄为250万年的星团位于图像的右边。
- With binoculars, check out the star cluster M35 between Theta Aurigae and Betelgeuse. 这是发生在奥林匹亚与提坦巨神战争时期,当然,阿玛尔泰娅溢出的乳汁就形成了银河。
- Speculation into the cause of the rings includes beamed jets emanating from a dense star left over from the supernova, and a superposition of two stellar winds ionized by the supernova explosion. 这些奇特环状结构起源的诸多臆测,包括由致密遗骸的高能喷流束及两个重叠的恒星风受到超新星爆炸的游离。
- The Pleiades is a white star cluster that is roughly500 light years from Earth. It is known as M45. It is located in the constellation of Taurus. 昴宿星是白星团,大致离地球500光年。它如M45一样闻名。它位于金牛星座里。
- The star Merope is in the Pleiades star cluster and is veiled by gas from at least one cloud that the cluster is passing through. Merope星是昴宿星团而隐藏于气体中,至少星团正通过一片云。
- Here are two very prominent star clusters, known as M6 and M7. 天上有两个令人瞩目的星团,它们叫M6和M7。