- A new denoising method was proposed for removing the noises in MFL data. 提出一种漏磁信号去噪新方法。
- A new anisotropic diffusion based image denoising method is proposed in this work. 摘要讨论了一种基于非线性扩散方程的图像去噪方法。
- The paper presents an image denoising method based on Support Vector Clustering(SVC) aiming at salt and pepper noise. 摘要 提出一种针对椒盐噪声的SVC多窗口图像去噪方法。
- A new denoising method for ultrasonic signal based on blind source separation(BSS) is proposed. 提出一种新的基于盲源分离的超声信号去噪方法。
- The wavelet denoising method has the adaptive and multi-resolution feature,fit for the filtering of nonstationary signal. 小波分析降噪方法具有自适应和多分辨率分析的特点,适合于对非平稳信号进行滤波处理。
- A wavelet exponential denoising method that the wavelet coefficient divided by exponential denoising factor is proposed. 为此,提出了小波指数降噪法,即利用指数降噪因子除小波系数。
- An optimal speech denoising method which combines wavelet shrinkage and separation of unvoiced sounds and voiced sounds is presented. 摘要 结合小波阈值去噪和清浊音分离技术,提出了一种优化的语音去噪新方法。
- A wavelet modulus maximum denoising method is used to the denoising process of oscillographic chronopotentiometric signal. 将小波模极大值滤噪法用于处理含噪示波计时电位信号。
- Based on theory of wavelet transform, the compression method, denoising method and QRS detecting method of electrocardiogram are discussed profoundly. 基于小波分析理论,对心电信号的压缩、噪声抑制及QRS波检测等方面进行了深入探讨。
- A wavelet package denoising method based on wavelet transform modulus maxima(WTMM) multiscale edge detection is proposed. 文章提出一种将小波变换模极大值(WTMM)多尺度边缘检测与小波包去噪算法结合起来的图像去噪方法。
- And the low-frequency parts of the noise are eliminated by the eclectic denoising method to estimate the probable position of the low-frequency parts of the signals. 利用折中消噪法消去其低频系数噪声,从而估计出信号的低频部分在时间平移轴上的大概位置;
- In view of different properties of signal and noise in wavelet transformation, an image denoising method based on multiscale correlation in wavelet domain is given in this paper. 摘要本文根据信号与噪声在小波变换下表现出的不同的传播性质,提出了一种基于空域相关的图像去噪方法。
- Second, a new wavelet-based denoising method without free parameters is proposed which is based on the sparseness and decorrelation properties of the discrete wavelet transform. 其次,利用离散小波变换的稀疏性和减相关性进行SAR图像滤波。
- A new denoising method for ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation(NDE) signal based on reconstructed phase space (RPS) and independent component analysis (ICA) was proposed. 摘要提出了一种新的基于相空间重构和独立分量分析的超声信号去噪方法。
- Simulation experimental results indicate that the method gives better visual quality and PSNR gains than applied wavelet transformation denoising method or HOS filter only. 实验结果表明,相对于单一的小波变换去噪或高阶统计量滤波法去噪,所给方法在视觉和峰值信噪比增益上都取得较好效果。
- The signal denoising method which combined CL multi-wavelet with the improved RLS filter was proposed.The signal was segmented into different frequent bands. 摘要提出了CL多小波结合改进RLS滤波器的信号去噪方法,该方法将信号划分到不同的频段上。
- A novel multiscale image denoising method based on image fusion is proposed,which combines high denoising ability of the intrascale statistical model with better performance of edge preservation of the interscale model. 将图像系数尺度内相关模型较强的去噪能力与尺度间相关模型保持边缘的优越性能相结合,提出了一种新的基于数据融合的多尺度图像去噪方法。
- Experimental results show that the denoising method with our new fidelity term is capable of sufficiently preserving geometric information such as edges and corners in addition to its effectiveness for image denoising. 实验结果表明,耦合自适应保真项的扩散方程能够很好地保持图像中目标的几何结构,同时具有良好的去噪能力。
- Then, the high-frequency coefficients of each layer are filtered to eliminate the noise outside of the band, and second filtering to the coefficients is made by the eclectic denoising method. 然后对各层高频系数进行初滤泼,剔除带外噪声,并采用折中消噪法进行二次滤波;
- The method seems good but it needs to be tried out. 这个方法似乎不错,但需要试验一下。