- Dengue fever is an acute viral disease caused by the Dengue virus. 登革热是一种由登革热病毒引起的急性传染病。
- When will symptoms be developed after infection with dengue virus? 感染登革热病毒后,何时会出现病徵?
- Methods:91 serum specimens were used to inoculate C6/36 cell monolayers for isolate dengue virus. 方法:采集临床诊断为登革热患者急性期血清91份,接种于C6/6细胞分离病毒,应用间接免疫荧光法鉴定及分型。
- Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus, which can be categorized into DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. 登革热是由登革热病毒所引致。病毒可分为DEN-1,DEN-2,DEN-3及DEN-4型。
- Dengue virus is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. There is no person to person spread. 登革热病毒只可以透过蚊叮传播,并不会由人直接传染人。
- None of the study subjects was seropositive against three types of dengue virus being examined. 无任一位受试者对第一、第二或第三型登革热病毒的血清中和抗体效价达到阳性标准。
- The results showed that inhibition of production of ET 1 and PGI 2 was induced by dengue virus infection in HUVECs. 登革病毒感染可使HUVEC分泌ET?1 及PGI2 的能力受到明显抑制。
- The viral NS1 and E gene sequence were different between dengue virus type 2 Mawei strain and NGC strain. DEN - 2贵州分离株和NGC株NS1、E基因区基因序列存在差异。
- To identify one suspected case infected by dengue virus(DV)found in 2006 in Fujian. [目的]对福建省2006年发现的1例登革热病例进行实验室检测并鉴定病毒型别。
- Taiwan has long been affected by the transmission of dengue virus by mosquitoes. 多年来,台湾受登格热病毒传播影响,而蚊子是传播媒介。
- Dengue virus is an arthropod borne virus transmitted by Ades egypti and Ades albopictus. 登革病毒,藉由病媒蚊的传播,在热带及亚热带地区造成登革热的流行。
- Dengue virus is a single-stranded positive sense RNA flavivirus that is transmitted by mosquito to human host. 登革病毒在分类上属于黄质病毒科,基因体为单股正向RNA,其感染途径主要经由蚊子叮咬而传播到人类宿主。
- At least eight vaccines against dengue virus infection are currently under development; two are at the stage of advanced clinical evaluation. 目前正在开发的针对登革热病毒的疫苗至少有8种;其中2种已经处于临床评估后期。
- Dengue is an acute infection caused by the dengue virus Flavivirus. Clinically it can manifest as dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF). 登革热病是由登革热病毒引致的急性传染病,患者的临床情况可分为登革热及登革出血热。
- Dengue virus infection is now an important arthropod-borne disease worldwide with increasing number of patients and the expansion of epidemic areas. 由登革病毒感染引起的登革热是重要的虫媒病毒病,近年来患者数与流行区域都有扩大的趋势。
- This result suggests that the expression hDC-SIGN is sufficient for dengue virus infection, entry and replication in murine cells. 这证明即使在小鼠细胞内,只要因著表现人类DC-SIGN,便使得登革病毒能感染、进入并在该细胞内复制。
- Therefore, we can apply theses above finding in educating patients with favism to avoid dengue virus infection and thus minimize their healthy threat. 此项研究有助于台湾未来登革流行加强对患有蚕豆症病人的卫生教育工作。
- It is well known that children with secondary infection of a different serotype of dengue virus will cause more severe DHF/DSS that might be fatal. 登革病毒感染有可能是症状较轻微的登革热或具威胁性会致命的登革出血热/登革休克症状(DHF/DSS);
- We hypothesized that dengue virus NS1 elicited anti-DR4 fractions of auto-antibodies (anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs) could influence the endothelial cells. 我们假设登革病毒非结构蛋白NS1诱发的自体免疫性抗体(anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs) 会影响内皮细胞。
- The results were all negative when used to detect other flavivirus including the yellow fever virus, dengue virus type 1, 2, 3 and 4, Japanese encephalitis virus, West Nile virus. 作为对照的黄热病毒疫苗株17D、登革1~4型病毒、日本脑炎病毒、西尼罗病毒Chin-01株结果均为阴性,证明该体系具有良好的特异性。