- A disorderly demonstration will take place. 一场示威游行将要发生。
- The demonstration passed off without incident. 游行自始至终未发生意外。
- The demonstration erupted into violence. 示威游行中突然出现了武斗。
- Police on horseback broke up the demonstration. 骑警驱散了游行。
- At first Reuters dealt with, commercial new. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。
- We watched the demonstration from our windows. 我们从窗口看示威游行。
- New York is a big commercial city. 纽约是一座大的商业城市。
- His prose is everywhere a demonstration of brevity. 他的散文写得非常简练。
- The commercial property market is booming. 商业房地产市场日益繁荣。
- The police nixed the demonstration. 警察禁止示威(游行)。
- A building for commercial occupancy. 对进行商业使用的建筑
- A commercial book, not a scholarly tome. 一本以赚钱为目的而不是学术性的书籍
- The downtown area is zoned for commercial use. 市中心被划出供商业用。
- He once worked as porter in a commercial bank. 他曾在一家商业银行当杂务工。
- The commercial carrier is doing a lively business. 那家商务运输公司业务繁忙。
- It is an important commercial body. 那是个重要的商业团体。
- This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students. 这次示威表明学生中有不满情绪。
- I work for a commercial radio station. 我在商业广播电台工作。
- She gave us a demonstration of the machine to show how it worked. 她给我们作示范,说明怎样操作这部机器。
- Is commercial correspondence taught at the school? 学校里是否教授商业函件?