- delta modulated signal 三角形调制信号
- When there is a modulated signal from transmitter, there are side bands. 只要在发射机中存在调制信号,就含有旁频带出现。
- A functional unit that converts a modulated signal into the original signal. 把已调制过的信号恢复为原始信号的一种功能部件,或叫操作装置。
- A functional unit that converts a signal into a modulated signal suitable for transmission. 将信号转变成适合于传输的被调制信号的一种操作装置。
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of uexp( tt/ Pw) Multiply by Carrier with Uniform Phase Noise. 单边递减波电压讯号乘上含有均匀相位杂讯载波之调变讯号时域波形及频谱。
- A new implementation of the DFT based on delta modulation (DM) is proposed. 本文提出一种基于增量调制(DM)序列的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)结构,它不同于基于脉冲编码调制(PCM)的常规方法。
- In this paper, it is suggested that modulated signal be demodulated by digital PLL. 并 结合实际应用提出了用数字锁相环进行调频信号解调的建议;
- In the picture above you can see a modulated signal driving the IR LED of the transmitter on the left side. 上面图片中你可以看到一个调制信号驱动红外发光二极管的发射器的左边。
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of Rect(tt/Pw) Added by Uniform Noise. 方波电压讯号加上均匀杂讯乘以无杂讯载波之调变讯号时域波形及频谱。
- We made an improvement in overcoming the defects in speech signal adaptive delta modulation (abbr.ADM),such as slope overloading and grain noise. In this method,numerical sliding average filtering was used for filtering decoding speech signal. 针对语音信号自适应增量调制 (ADM )方式中斜率过载和颗粒噪声等缺点 ;提出了一种改进方法 ;它利用滑动平均方法对解码后的信号进行数字滤波 .
- In this system, continuously variable slope delta modulation(CVSD) is used to change the analogy signal into digital, GFM is used to modulate the signal, FDMA, PLL frequency synthesizer. 这种系统采用连续可变斜率增量调制(CVSD)来实现语音信号的编码、GFM调制解调方式、FDMA、PLL频率合成器技术。
- The off-boresight drive signal is a kind of modulated signal with the charaeteristics of low frequency,small amplitude and liable to be interferenced. 离轴驱动信号是一种频率低、幅值小、易受干扰的调制信号,在信号检测中通常是测试的难点。
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of Tria(tt/Pw) Multiply by Carrier with Normal Phase Noise. 三角波电压讯号乘上含有准常态相位杂讯载波之调变讯号时域波形及频谱。
- This system realizes the collection,transmission and data processing of earthquake wave signal by means of delta modulation,frequency-shifting keying,frequency-division multiplexing technologies. 采用增量调制、移频键控、频分复用等技术实现地震波信号的采集、传输和数据处理.;其电路结构简单;工作可靠;信噪比高;抗干扰能力强;测量精
- CVSD (Continuous Variable Slope Delta Modulation) voice coding enables operation at high bit- error rates. 连续可变斜率增量调制的语音编码可以在高误码率的情况下正常工作。
- The spectrum of amplitude modulated signal are two half magnitude spectrums of base band signal positive and negative shifted by a carrier or R. 调幅讯号之频谱为一半强度基频讯号之频谱分别正负位移一射频或载波之频率。
- The CS8831CN is a single chip CMOS LSI for voice recording/play-back using the ADM(Adaptive Delta Modulation). CS8 8 31CN是用于语音录放的单片CMOSLSI,采用ADM (自适应增量调制 )。
- The work uses Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM) to realize speech waveform coding and digital data compression. 采用波形自适应增量调制编码方法;研究并解决了语音信号的压缩与加密.
- A Dual-loop adaptive delta modulation system (DLADM) consisting of an inner loop and outer loop isdescribed. 本文叙述一种双环自适应增量调制(DLADM)系统。
- Preferably, lowpass filter, automatic-gain-control and power amplifier are often used in order to have a clean modulated signal within certain dynamic range. 最好是,为在一定动态范围内具有干净的调制信号,通常使用低通滤波器,自动增益控制和功率放大器。