- How much do you charge for delivery costs? 收多少送货费?
- Today our forwarder told us the forwarder on your side do not agree to ship on Aug 15. because it's not hot season, not too much cargo for shipment, the delivery cost is high. 今天我们这里的货贷告诉我们,你们那边的货贷不同意我们在8月15号出货,原因是这些天是谈季,出的货不多,所以费用太高了。
- Please contact with pictures, price, delivery costs and QTY. 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。
- Delivery costs will have to be borne by the manufacturer, I'm afraid. 运费恐怕要由制造厂商来承担。
- These include, for example, sales taxes on the purchase price, delivery cost, and installation costs. 比如说,这些附加成本包括除购买价格以外的销售税、运输费和安装调试费等。
- They must budget not only for the training delivery costs, but also for the cost of covering for those people who attend the training. 他们一定要不但为训练递送费用编入预算,而且编入预算因为为参加训练的那些人包含的费用。
- In this model, advertisers will give the gecko a media platform ad delivery costs, and the gecko from the cost of running ads in this part of the show to the game operators. 在这种模式中,广告主会给壁虎这个媒体平台一定的广告投放费用,而壁虎会从这笔广告投放费用中拿出一部分分给游戏运营商。
- Costs associated with normal pregnancy and childbirth, pre- and post-natal check-ups and delivery costs. 正常妊娠和生产以及产前、产后身体检查和分娩的费用。
- All freight, shipping and delivery costs incurred in forwarding a new water heater or replacement part(s) to the Owner. 发运新的热水器或更换配件所产生的所有运费,装运和送达费用。
- Buyers should also pay close attention to the terms and conditions of sale, such as whether there are any hidden extras in the form of delivery costs. 买方也应该仔细留意交易的条款及条件,譬如是否要负担帐面外额外的运送费。
- Shortage and Delayed Delivery cost 缺货、延期交货的损失费用
- All freight, shipping and delivery costs incurred in forwarding a new water heater to the Owner during the term of this warranty. 在质量保证期内,发运新的热水器或更换配件所产生的所有运费,装运和送达费用。
- NO 4AM MUNCHIES FOR YOU! The delivery costs 6mb no matter how much you order, and they specifically put on their website that you DON'T HAVE TO TIP. Deal. 服务从早上十点到晚上十点-没有早上4点的外送!外卖费为6元,无论你点了多少东西,并且他们特别在网站上写了不用给小费。成交。
- The firm joined up with a small delivery company to reduce cost. 该商行与一家小运输公司合并以降低成本。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- Bob teed off on the new pitcher's first delivery. 鲍勃猛击那新投手所投的第一个球。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- Let's discuss the delivery date first. 我们先讨论交货日期。