- Are the notifications going to the correct delivery channel? 通知是否发送到正确的传递通道?
- Each delivery channel can write notifications to a different file. 每个传递通道可以将通知写入不同的文件。
- A device type corresponds to a single delivery channel. 一种设备类型对应一个传递通道。
- Number of notifications the delivery channel attempted to send. 传递通道试图发送的通知数。
- The name of the delivery channel used to send the notification. 用于发送通知的传递通道的名称。
- Date and time the last work item was processed by the delivery channel. 传递通道处理最后一个工作项的日期和时间。
- It usually indicates some kind of prolonged failure condition on the delivery channel. 这通常表明传递通道上长时间存在某种故障情况。
- Element that defines a delivery channel for the built-in File delivery protocol. 元素,该元素为内置文件传递协议定义传递通道。
- The processing of a work item was aborted due to too many consecutive failures on the delivery channel. 在传递通道上过多的连续失败导致工作项处理操作中止。
- Work items consist of notifications within a single batch that will be delivered through the same delivery channel. 工作项由一个批次内将通过相同传递通道进行传递的通知构成。
- Design your subscription management interface to specify the delivery channel that each subscriber device uses. 设计订阅管理界面,以指定每个订阅方设备使用的传递通道。
- Each delivery channel uses a specific delivery protocol to a specific delivery endpoint. 每个传递通道使用一个通向特定传递端点的特定传递协议。
- Each subscriber device contains the subscriber ID, a delivery channel name, and an address. 每个订阅方设备都包含订阅方ID、传递通道名称和地址。
- Not only did this proposal win SI the account, it provided a new delivery channel to users on a pay-as-you-go basis. 这个建议不仅让SI赢得了这个项目,而且它也给用户提供了基于pay-as-you-go的一个新的交货渠道。
- Ratio of notifications generated for the delivery channel to messages sent by the delivery channel. 为传递通道生成的通知数与传递通道所发送的消息数的比率。
- Number of notification delivery attempts that failed on the delivery channel during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间在传递通道上失败的通知传递尝试数。
- Number of notifications successfully sent on the delivery channel during the reporting interval. 在报告间隔期间在传递通道上成功发送的通知数。
- Number of notifications the delivery channel attempted to send, but which ended as failed. 传递通道试图发送但最终失败的通知数。
- Number of notifications the distributor has yet to deliver from this notification batch via this delivery channel. 由此传递通道,分发服务器上一次传递来自此通知批次中通知的开始时间。
- Before formatting and delivery, Notification Services divides each notification batch into work items, creating one work item per delivery channel. 在格式化和传递之前,Notification Services会将每个通知批次分为多个工作项,为每个传递通道创建一个工作项。