- He smiled frostily and deliberately turned away. 他冷冷地笑了笑便故意转身走了。
- His career is a story of utter disaster. 他在事业上一事无成。
- He deliberately absented himself from the meeting. 他故意不到会。
- I felt his report was deliberately opaque. 我觉得他的报告故意含糊其词。
- His heart sink as he listen to the judge utter the fateful word. 他听到法官字字千钧的话,顿时垂头丧气。
- We didn't utter a word during the test. 我们在测验时没有说过一句话。
- She had made an utter fool of herself. 她的所作所为十足就是个傻子。
- You have deliberately acted against my wishes. 你故意和我的想法对著干。
- She didn't utter a syllable at the meeting. 她在会上一言未发。
- How can you utter such falsehoods? 你怎么能说出这种谎言?
- I've never heard such utter twaddle! 我还从来没听过这么愚蠢透顶的话!
- Our new radio is an utter failure. 我们的新收音机完全是个废物。
- Deliberately misleading; deceptive. 有意欺骗的; 容易使人上当的
- I think we have been deliberately crowded out of the scheme. 我认为有人故意把我们挤出这个方案。
- I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude. 我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子。
- That new multi-storey car-park is an utter monstrosity! 那座新建的多层停车场难看极了!
- deliberately utter 故意说
- An unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story. 谣言一个无根据的或虚假的、故意误导的传闻
- His paintings are deliberately flat, it's part of his style. 他作画刻意用单一色调,这是他的一种风格。
- I must be in his black books because he keeps deliberately avoiding me. 我一定不讨他的喜欢,因为他总是故意避开我。