- The great masters had no awareness that such a dance was coming, as it was outside of their thought-form that anyone would deliberately destroy another in such a manner. 大师们没有意识到这样一个舞蹈即将来临,因为用这样一种方式来故意地摧毁别人的这种行为在他们思想形态的范围外。
- If deliberately destroys, steals, besides legally deals with severely, and according to the set price compensates enjoys. 如蓄意破坏;盗取本设备者;除依法严办外;并照价赔赏.
- It makes me gnash my teeth to see so much food deliberately destroyed or wasted when there are people starving in Africa. 当非洲人民在挨饿时,我看到这么多故意毁坏和浪费的食物,真使我气得咬牙切齿。
- Character of and cognizance on crime of hiding and deliberately destroying accounting credence, accounting bookkeeping, accounting information has important meanings in theory and juridical practice. 本罪的犯罪构成特征和认定对刑法理论及司法实践具有重要的意义。
- Crime Of Hiding and Deliberately Destroying Accounting Credence, Accounting Bookkeeping, Accounting Information is a new type of crime enacted in the Amendment to the Criminal Law. 隐匿、意销毁会计凭证、计账簿、务会计报告罪是我国《刑法修正案》新增加的罪名。
- History, indeed affords numerous examples of people's risings and of guerrilla warfare, but few examples of a commander of a cohesive armed force deliberately destroying its unity. 历史上有无数人民起义和游击战争的先例,然而,本来是一支完整的军队的司令员,竟故意拆散自己的军队,这在历史上倒是罕见的。
- He smiled frostily and deliberately turned away. 他冷冷地笑了笑便故意转身走了。
- He deliberately absented himself from the meeting. 他故意不到会。
- Also they want to destroy the basement. 他们也想摧毁地下室。
- I felt his report was deliberately opaque. 我觉得他的报告故意含糊其词。
- We want to nurture the new project, not destroy it. 我们要支持这个新工程,不要破坏它。
- The new law operates to destroy our advantages. 这项新法律损害我们的利益。
- You have deliberately acted against my wishes. 你故意和我的想法对著干。
- Deliberately misleading; deceptive. 有意欺骗的; 容易使人上当的
- An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹能摧毁一座城市。
- deliberately destroy 蓄意破坏
- I think we have been deliberately crowded out of the scheme. 我认为有人故意把我们挤出这个方案。
- I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude. 我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子。
- He worked out methods to destroy bacteria on the seeds. 他研究出消灭种子上细菌的方法。
- Professor Fang worked out a method to destroy bacteria on the seeds. 方教授想出了一个办法来消灭种子上的细菌。