- He lobbied on behalf of businessmen. 他为商人们游说。
- A myriad of businessmen come together. 万商云集
- A Delegation of St. Petersburg visited our school. 俄罗斯圣彼得堡艺术学校师生代表团回访巴蜀。
- Is The Value of Businessmen Subject to Profit? 商人的价值观服从利润?
- delegation of businessmen 商务代表团
- The fair is a big gathering. Thousands of businessmen from more than150 countries and regions are here to trade with China. 本次交易会是一次盛会。来自150多个国家和地区的成千上万的商人在这里与中国进行贸易。
- The Chairman invited the Delegation of Nigeria to take the floor. 主席请尼日利亚代表团发言。
- The Delegation of Uruguay stated that it would not block consensus. 乌拉圭代表团表示,它不愿意阻止达成协商一致。
- A delegation of British parliamentarian is invited to visit Canada. 一个英国议员代表团应邀访问加拿大。
- A delegation of five members from Xiamen Harbour Administration. 廈門市港務管理局代表團,一行五人。
- A delegation of 6 persons from the Nagoya Port Authority. 名古屋港務管理局六人代表團。
- The delegation of inviting investment has attracted many businessmen from Southeast Asia to Singapore to hold talks on different projects. 招商代表团吸引了读多东南亚客商来新加坡洽谈项目。
- In response, a delegation of Saudi trade officials and businessmen is travelling to China this week to discuss the claims. 作为回应,一个由沙特贸易官员和商人组成的代表团本周正访问中国,以商谈上述问题。
- The following principles are guides to delegation of authority. 以下各项原则是授权的准绳。
- The Delegation of Bulgaria wished to comment on items 1 and 5. 保加利亚代表团希望就第1项和第5项发表评论。
- Delegation of authority or duties to a subordinate or substitute. 授权代理向下级或代理人授权或义务
- A delegation of 17 members from the Port of Bilbao, Spain. 西班牙畢爾巴鄂港代表團,一行17人。
- Within 2 hours, your information will be viewed by millions of businessmen. 只要两小时!您发布的信息就能被百万商人看到!
- Delegation of power to lower levels will inevitably run into obstacles. 下放总会遇到障碍。
- And an unprecedented number of businessmen now sit in Arab parliaments. 跻身阿拉伯议会的商人达到前所未有的数目。