- He lost his way, which delayed him considerably. 他迷了路,这使他耽搁了很久。
- The outrageous book created a sensation. 那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时。
- Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船被逆风耽搁了。
- He had a sensation of dizziness. 他有一种晕眩的感觉。
- It may well be that the train is delayed. 很有可能火车晚点了。
- The new discovery caused a great sensation. 这项新发现很轰动。
- He is delayed because his taxi has an accident. 由于他的出租车出了故障,他被耽误了。
- The train was delayed because of ice on the line. 火车因铁轨结冰而误点。
- Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。
- The scandal about the mayor caused a sensation. 有关市长的丑闻引起了轰动。
- The flight was delayed owing to technical reasons. 这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。
- A dead body is without sensation. 死人是没有感觉的。
- His long absence from work delayed his promotion. 他长期不上班,把他的提升给耽误了。
- His arrival produced a sensation. 他的抵达引起了轰动。
- The plane's landing was delayed because of fog. 飞机因大雾推迟降落。
- The uncertain weather delayed our departure. 天气变换莫测,延误了我们启程。
- She wired (us) that she would be delayed. 她给我们打来电报说她得晚到。
- Presumably the bad weather has delayed the flight. 大概恶劣的天气使飞机误点了。
- Partial loss of sensation; diminished sensibility. 局部麻醉部分地失去感觉; 缩小的敏感性
- Red tape has delayed the progress of our program. 官僚作风延迟了我们计划的进展。