- Not stopped by a finger. Used of a string or hole of an instrument. 不用手指按压的不用手指按住而通过弦或小孔结束的
- The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade. 锋利程度切割刀锋的锋利程度
- The sound of a string quartet is faintly heard. 隐约可以听到弦乐四重奏。
- They danced to the music of a string quartet. 他们随着弦乐四重奏乐曲跳舞。
- To modify all or part of a string. 可修改字符串的全部或部分。
- Its data consists of a string and its color. 它的数据包括字符串及其颜色。
- Write a portion of a string to the buffer. 向缓冲写入一段字符串。
- These should be no degree of a stab in the black. 不会出现背后来刀的危险。
- Match the beginning of a string. 匹配字符串的开始部分。
- You can easily change the case of a string. 可以很容易更改字符串的大小写。
- The degree of accuracy of a weapon. 武器的准确度
- Function to return a lowercase version of a string. 函数返回字符串的小写版本。
- The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade . 刀锋有几个地方缺口。
- He was pulling it along at the end of a string. 他用一截绳子拉着它走。
- Returns the length of a String object. 返回String对象的长度。
- A string containing the value of a registry entry. (是)一个包含有注册表的进入值的字串。
- Deletes a string in the list box of a combo box. 本函数删除组合框的列表中的一个字符串。
- Adds a string to the list box of a combo box. 本函数在组合框中的列表框中添加一个字符串。
- The girl made a loop of a string. 那个女孩用一条线做成了一个圈。
- The degree of inclination of a slope,road,or other surface. 坡度一个斜面,道路或其它表面倾斜的程度。