- The beauty of the scenery defied all description. 景色之美难以形容。
- How beautiful are the flowers on the grassland? It defies all description by human letters. 草原上的花究竟有多美,人类只能词穷。
- defy all description 非言语所能形容,非笔墨所能描述
- The beauty of the alps surpasses all description. 阿尔卑斯山之美无法形容。
- The scene baffled all description . 那情景难以笔墨形容。
- He disavowed nothing; he seemed as if he would defy all things. 他没有否认什么,他看上去似乎要向一切挑战。
- The scence baffled all description. 那情景难以笔墨形容。
- Their dresses are strange beyond all description. 他们的服饰真是无奇不有,决非笔墨所能形容。
- The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions. 超级市场销售各种货物。
- Her beauty surpasses all description. 她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。
- The scene baffled all description. 那情景难以笔墨形容。
- That factory produces locomotives of all description. 这家工厂生产各种机车。
- It's such a preposterous setup that I was always aware of the plot chugging away, and the logistics of the chase defy all common sense. 如此荒谬的铺垫,总是让我觉得这个故事已经熄火了。还有追捕过程中的供给问题,完全不合常理。
- The door defied all attempts to open it. 这门用什麽办法也打不开.
- The door defied all atempts to open it. 门无论如何也打不开。
- The door defies all attempts to open it. 门怎么也弄不开。
- The door defied all attempts to open it . 门无论如何也打不开。
- All descriptions are necessarily selective. 一切描述必定都是选择的。
- The freight station is lively with cranes and vehicles of all descriptions. "货运车站上到处是各式各样的吊车和运输车辆,一片蓬勃景象。"
- The hall is crowed with people of all descriptions. 大厅里挤满了各种各样的人。