- deflocculated sludges 抗絮凝淤渣
- deflocculated sludge 反絮凝污泥
- Sludges forming in the acid interfere with storage and handling. 在酸中形成淤渣,妨碍贮存和运输。
- Sewage treatment plants conveying for all types of sludges. 污水处理厂中,各种淤泥输送。
- Better methods of dewatering and disposing of these sludges are needed. 需要研究更好的污泥脱水和处置方法。
- Typically these sludges settle rapidly but do not compact very well. 这些污泥一般沉降迅速,但并不很紧密。
- Hazardous wastes can be liquids, solids, contained gases, or sludges. 有害废物包含了液体、固体、混合气体,或烂泥。
- However,some sewage sludges contain heavy metals which pollute soil. 但是,如果污水淤渣中含有超标准的重金属元素,它将污染土壤。
- In the remaining sludges no significant influence of this process on the toxicity of composts obtained was noted. 在剩余的污泥中,并未发现这一测试对于所得的堆肥毒性有显著影响。
- The combination of activated sludges and microfiltration will open anew way in this respect. 活性污泥法与微滤技术的结合可以提供新的出路。
- Can be used for the incineration of sludges, liquid wastes, as well as for fine-grained to coarse-grained solid wastes. 用于焚烧污泥、液体废物,也用于固废从细粒到粗粒的造粒
- Frequently, dewatering of sludges is difficult, especially when of gelatinous consistency. 通常来说,污泥脱水是困难的,特别是属于胶粘状稠厚污泥时。
- This research can provide a scientific base for the treatment or disposal of activated sludges. 该研究为活性污泥处理方法提供了科学依据。
- The converter sludges come out of the dedusting system during the production of steel making. 转炉烟尘是炼钢生产过程中排出的含铁粉尘。
- The design principles also see to that the black liquor is treated separately and the sludges must be dewatered. 处理原则并强调黑液单独处理及污泥脱水。
- Extracting nonvolatile and semivolatile organic compounds from soils, sludges and waste. 土壤;淤泥和废弃物中萃取非挥发及半挥发有机物.
- Heavy oil hydraulically driven piston pumps for sludges and silo and bunker storage systems. 适用于废泥渣、散料围仓以及燃料储藏系统的重油液压传动活塞泵。
- The removal of heavy metals from sewage sludges is a problem that is exigent to be solved. 重金属的去除是污水污泥处理中亟待解决的问题。
- Impurities, grinding sludges are disposed of, vapours are cleaned by exhaust air filters. 杂质和磨削淤泥的处置,用被排出的水蒸气过滤。
- Phosphorus fractionation is important too in understanding the biological phosphorus removal process and possibilities to recover phosphorus from sludges. 磷分馏在对生物磷去除过程的了解和从烂泥恢复磷的可能性很重要。