- C.Believability is a defining characteristic of gullibility. 信任是受骗的必然特征。
- D.Friendliness is a defining characteristic of affability. 友善是和蔼的必然特征。
- A.Fearfulness is a defining characteristic of courageous. 恐惧是勇气的必然特征。
- A field has certain defining characteristics. 字段具有某些定义特征。
- The defining characteristic of the present era is the degree to which such units are linked in real time. 当前时代的主要特征就是单位间实际联系的程度。
- The defining characteristic of the Iranian elite since the death of Ayatollah Khomeini has been its fear of youth. 自从霍梅尼去世后,伊朗精英的特质表现在对青年人的恐惧。
- The defining characteristic of entrepreneurship, then, is not the size of the company but the act of innovation. 多亏了通讯价格的下降,他们中的许多人都可从国家开放那天起触及全球市场。
- The defining characteristic of ragtime music is a specific type of syncopation in which melodic accents fall between metrical beats. 说到这里被教授打断,说他答得已经很完整了(有题,问教授打断他的用意)。
- Baby boomers have been found to have little more in common than their defining characteristic: a birthdate in the years following the second world war. 现在发现婴儿潮一代的共同点恐怕只是那个划分标准:即二战后的几年里的出生日期。
- From an interaction standpoint, one defining characteristic of embedded systems is the often closely intertwined relationship of hardware and software components of the interface. 从交互设计的角度来说,我们在阐述嵌入系统的特征时,经常会和界面的硬件,以及软件组件紧密地关联在一起。
- "AHR, the exaggerated constrictor response of the airways to a variety of stimuli, is a cardinal feature and a defining characteristic of asthma," the authors write. 研究人员们表示,AHR这种在空气中对各种刺激物过度压缩扩约肌的反应,是哮喘的主要特徵及特性定义;
- This girl gushed enthusiastically about how speed-dating was a zeitgeist and would be a defining characteristic for future generations (speed-date offspring? 第二个女孩非常热情地向我宣传速配是当下的潮流,是时代的精神。
- Cynics, however, say Mr.Hu's defining characteristic is a lack of vision, and that his apparent choice of political hues is simply the safest option for someone in his position. 然而,愤世嫉俗者认为胡的本质特点是缺乏远见,而且他在政治色彩上的表观选择不过是居其位者最安全的一个选项而已。
- The defining characteristic of a transient application is its temporary nature. Because it doesn’t stay on the screen for extended periods of time, users don’t get the chance to become very familiar with it. 暂时式应用程序的显著特征在于其临时性质,因为它们不会长时间停留在屏幕上,用户不会有机会非常熟悉它们。
- One of the defining characteristics of Lee Shau Kee Hall is its international flavor. 国际化是李兆基堂的一大特色。
- Nik Aziz embodies the deep-rooted gentility that is one of the defining characteristics of Malay culture. 聂阿齐兹的做法代表着一种深深植根于马来西亚文化的传统教养。
- The purpose of this study is to establish and validate the related factors and defining characteristics of flatulence. 摘要本研究旨在建立肠胀气之相关因素及定义性特徵并进行临床测定。
- These defining characteristics are usually accompanied by rigidity, prejudice, and intolerance of weakness or ambiguity. 这些明确的特点一般伴随着顽固、偏见,以及对于弱点或模棱两可而采取的不能容忍的态度。
- Bipedalism - walking on two feet - is one of the defining characteristics of being human, and scientists hxdye debated for years how it came about. 用两条腿走路是人类的基本特征之一,多年来,科学家们在这一特征的形成问题上一直争论不休。
- Bipedalism - walking on two feet - is one of the defining characteristics of being human, and scientists have debated for years how it came about. 研究人员对大猩猩在直立行走和四肢着地行走时消耗的氧气量分别进行了测量,并将结果与人类的进行了对比。