- defend oneself against enemy 防御敌人。
- defend oneself against the enemy 防御敌人
- The thought-form of hunt or hunted, disappear, hide or blend causes one to feel hunted down by something greater than oneself that one is powerless to defend oneself against. 猎杀或被猎杀、失望、隐匿或混居的思想形态,导致一个人感到自己被更强大的某事物所猎杀,从而无力自我防御。
- defend oneself against the attack 在遭受攻击时进行自卫
- One of the importants missions of surface ship is defending oneself against torpedo. 摘要防御鱼雷是水面舰艇的重要作战任务之一,仅靠舰载声纳难以满足对鱼雷预警的需要。
- For example, the expense and disruption of defending oneself against administrative charges-a burden that every respondent could allege-is not a basis for interlocutory appeal. 例如,针对行政指控为自己辩护的开销和破坏--每个被告都可能提出的责任负担--不能作为中期上诉的基
- She demonstrated how best to defend oneself. 她示范最有效的自卫方法。
- Directed against enemy submarines. 反潜艇的,防潜艇的用来反抗敌方潜艇的
- Everyone should learn to indemnify oneself against harm. 每个人都应当学会保护自己不受伤害。
- They defended the fort against enemy's heavy attack. 他们守著堡垒抗拒敌人的猛攻。
- Defend oneself against a charge 为消除误会、指责而进行辩白
- Be vigilant against enemy sabotage. 警惕敌人的破坏活动。
- defend oneself against 对 ... 为自己辩护
- We defend our country against enemies . 我们抵御敌人,保卫我们的国家。
- Move against enemy fire across the deadly ground. 冒着敌炮火,穿过死亡地带。
- We defend our country against enemies. 我们抵御敌人,保卫我们的国家。
- Never short of words in defending oneself against a charge, criticism, etc 振振有词
- Walls of earth will fortify the building against enemy bombing. 土墙将加固建筑物,以防御敌人的轰炸。
- The science or art of defending oneself; self-defense. 防卫技巧,自卫保护自己的技术或技巧; 自卫
- The town walls were built as a defence against enemy attacks. 城墙是为防御敌人袭击而修建的。