- They took up arms in defence of their country. 他们拿起武器保卫祖国。
- They planned the defence of the town. 他们订出了该城的防御计划。
- She spoke up in defence of her beliefs. 她大胆地为自己的信仰辩护。
- Is there any man unwilling to fight in defence of his country? 难道有谁不愿为保卫自己的国家而战吗?
- Agreed to Declaration of Consent? 是否赞成“同意声明”?
- At that point, the chairman weigh in with a strong defence of company policy. 这时,主席发言有理有据地维护了公司的政策。
- At that point, the chairman weighed in with a strong defence of company policy. 这时,主席发言有理有据地维护了公司的政策。
- The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client. 律师机智地为委托人辩护。
- We spring to the defence of your plan. 我们支持你的计划。
- The defendant enter defence of justification. 被告用可被接受的理由为自己辩护。
- She is tenacious in defence of her rights. 她坚决维护自己的权利.
- The basis for rescission is that reality of consent is absent. 这种废除的理论基础就是缺乏真实的同意。
- They decided to fight in defence of their country. 他们决心为保卫祖国而战。
- We should. Come forward in defence of peace. 我们应当起来捍卫和平。
- defence of consent 同意的答辩
- He gave his life in defence of his country. 他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命。
- He joined the army in defence of his country. 他入伍保卫国家。
- She spoke in defence of her religious beliefs. 她为其宗教信仰辩护。
- She put up a spirited defence of her government's policies. 她积极地为她的政府的政策辩护。
- Education is the chief defence of nations. 教育是国家的主要防御力量。