- deepwater dredging 深水疏浚
- They are dredging for the dead body. 他们在捞尸体。
- The depth of the river is maintained by dredging. 通过疏浚保持河道的深度。
- Having lost her passport, she is now in deepwater. 她丢了护照身陷困厄。
- No dredging and spoil dumping shall be allowed. 工程不得包括挖泥及卸泥工序。
- Can We Control Lake Eutrophication by Dredging? 底泥疏浚能控制湖泊富营养化吗?
- Yes,I am dragging/ dredging anchor. 是的,我船正在走锚/拖锚。
- Cleaning and dredging the drainages. 清洗并疏通空调末端排水装置。
- Profundal The deepwater zone of a lake beyond a depth of 10 meters. 深海的:深海中水深达10米以下的区域。
- Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts. 传记作者们善于发掘鲜为人知的事实。
- Carbon fiber shows potential for deepwater, ultra-deep mooring. 碳纤维在深水和超深锚系装置上显示出潜能。
- Bid goodbye to its history of having no deepwater port. 在海岛上建设的港口。告别了没有深水良港的历史。
- Dredging of the Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel. 在南丫发电厂航道进行挖泥作业。
- Now she was dredging up memories from the depths of her mind. 这时,她回忆起内心深处的往事。
- They're dredging the harbour so that larger ships can use it. 他们正在疏浚港湾以便大船驶入。
- Dredging is the most important placer-mining method today. 挖掘法现在是最重要的砂矿开采的方法。
- She was dredging up the little she knew about babies. 她努力回忆自己知道关于婴儿的那点皮毛。
- His grandfather was a fine raconteur, dredging up quite effortlessly, and with a great wealth of detail, scenes and incidents from his early life. 他的祖父是位很会讲故事的人,不费吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。
- Dredging the field yields an expanse of shiny black clams. 鱼塭里捞起的,满地乌黑发亮的文蛤。
- Methodology for horizontal gravel pack wells in Brazilian deepwater. 巴西深水域中水平砾石充填井的方法。