- The clear blue sky looks like the deep sea. 碧空像深邃的大海。
- deep sea fan 深海扇形地
- The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea. 腔棘鱼栖息于深海。
- Two frogmans slip into in the deep sea. 两个蛙人潜入深海中。
- The deep sea is the last frontier left to explore. 深海是尚待探索的最后一个领域。
- A red-and-yellow necklace sea star clings to a sea fan in the Maldives. 马尔代夫的一只红底黄点的海星正在爬上一个海扇珊瑚礁。
- It's a deep sea adventure like no other! 它的深海探险就像没有别的!
- A large rust-colored gorgonian sea fan perches against a reef in Micronesia. 译文:珊瑚暗礁图集。一个巨大铁锈色可怕的海扇栖息在珊瑚礁在密克罗尼西亚群岛。
- Between the devil and the deep sea. 在魔鬼与深海之间。
- By the deep sea, and music in its roar. 聆听涛乐,须在海里
- Shanghai Deep Sea Fisheries Co., Ltd. 上海远洋渔业有限公司。
- He wrote a dissertation on deep sea fish. 他写了一篇有关深海鱼类的论文。
- He is between the devil and the deep sea. 他在魔鬼与深海之间。他进退两难。
- A strange and mysterious deep sea creature. 一种奇异、神秘的深海生物。
- Here, a brilliant red sea fan coral spreads behind a golden damselfish in waters off Fiji's Namenalala Island. 这里,在斐济那门那拉拉岛水域里,金少女鱼后面是一片闪亮的红海扇柳珊瑚。
- Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji. 腔肠动物珊瑚和一种红色海扇组成充满活力的舞台为白尾chromis靠近Namena岛,斐济。
- Chromis Fish Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji. 意译:光腮鱼属的鱼类。腔肠动物的珊瑚和一只粉红色的海扇形成一个有活力的表演因为白尾光腮鱼属靠近斐济的Namena岛。
- She is now between the devil and the deep sea on this matter. 她在这个问题上真是进退维谷。
- Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes Coelenterate coral and a pink sea fan form a vibrant stage for whitetail chromis near Namena Island, Fiji. 意译:水下景观图片美术馆。腔肠动物的珊瑚和一个粉红色海团扇,形成充满活力的舞台白尾鱼chromis靠近namena岛,斐济。
- The deep sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water. 深水中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。