- Rayleigh, J.W.S. 1915 “Deep water waves, progressive or standing, to the third order of approximation.” Proc.R.Soc.Lond.A.91,pp 345-353. 王壵臹1982”有限振幅重复波作用下底床剪力之研究”国立成功大学水利及海洋工程研究所硕士论文.
- Yim, John Z., C.R.Chou, P.E.Lin,1993,weakly nonlinear deep water waves under wind action, Third Asis-Pacific symposium on wind engineering. 周宗仁、石瑞祥、李中和,1995,斜坡上考量复数消能系数对波浪变形影响之研究,第十七届海洋工程研讨会论文集。
- Having lost her passport, she is now in deep water. 她丢了护照身陷困厄。
- It is easy at first, but we are in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- His frankness often gets him into deep water. 他的直率经常给他带来麻烦。
- It was easy at first, but we're in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- We can see a water wave on the surface of a pond. 我们可以看一下池塘表面上的水波。
- And, splash! He found himself head over ears in deep water. 接着扑通一声,他发觉自己一个倒栽葱地掉进了深水里。
- If we look at a cross section of a water wave, we may see that the wave form repeats itself at regular intervals. 如果我们观察水波的横截面,我们会看到波形是按一定的间隔重复的。
- Those plants can grow only in deep waters. 那些植物只能在深水中生长。
- It was easy at first, but we're in deep waters now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- The whale took a plunge into the deep water. 鲸鱼跳入深水。
- deep water wave 深水波
- It is easy at first,but we are in deep water now. 起先很容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
- It was easy at first,but we are in deep water now. 开始还容易,但现在我们遇到麻烦了。
- Have lost her passport,she is now in deep water. 她丢了护照身陷困厄。
- There's a lovely flat in Deep Water Bay. 在深水湾有一个很好的公寓。
- We've been in deep water ever since I lost my job. 自从我丢掉工作以来,我们陷入了极为困窘的境地。
- He's fond of swimming in deep water. 他喜欢在深水游泳。
- How do tsunamis differ from other water waves? 海啸与其他水波有的不同?