- The sedimentation of deep submarine fan is mainly controlled by geological structure, terrain, sea-level change and provenance climate. 深海扇的沉积作用主要受地质构造、地形地貌、海平面变化、物源区的气候等因素的控制。
- Compared with onshore and shallower water areas, deep submarine fan is quite different in hydrocarbon exploration due to its uniqueness in sedimentary process and hydrocarbon accumulation. 由于沉积成因机理和油气成藏规律的特殊性,深海扇油气勘探与陆地及浅海区的油气勘探有着显著差异。
- There may be many deep submarine fans with excellent prospectiveness of hydrocarbon exploration in South China Sea, with LW 3-1 gas field discovered in Baiyun sag, Pearl River Mouth basin. 南中国海可能发育诸多具良好油气勘探前景的深海扇,目前已在珠江口盆地白云凹陷深水区发现荔湾3-1气田。
- Prediction of Liwan deep submarine fan sand body distribution, Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin 珠江口盆地白云凹陷荔湾深水扇砂体分布预测
- deep submarine fan 深水扇
- Submarine fan is the main sedimentary features of Shuangyang Formation.The transgressive and regressive cycles are co-existed on the vertical section. 湖泊水下扇沈积为该区地层的主要沈积特徵,在垂向上具有进积型和退积型两种类型。
- According to the minerals, textures, structures and occurrence of sedimentary rocks, the submarine fan can be divided into six subfacies. 根据沉积岩的矿物成分、结构、构造和产状特徵,可将这些海底扇分为6个亚相。
- The submarine fan with completely inner, middle and outer fan can be divided into progressive and regressive sequence, which were composed of sandstone bodies formed by turbidity flow. 海底扇具有完整的内扇、中扇与外扇组合,可划分出进积型和退积型两种序列类型,它们多半是由浊流形成的各种砂体组成的。
- Many large rivers in the world have great submarine fans in their estuarine area, with the Bengal Fan the biggest. 世界许多大河口外都发育有大型深海扇,其中最大的为孟加拉深海扇。
- The sandy conglomerate bodies of nearshore submarine fans are better in hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and their oil and gas reservoirs are higher in production. 近岸水下扇砂砾岩体成藏条件较好,油气藏产量较高;
- Due to the regression, the submarine fans evolved into waning stage in the Late Cretaceous and the sedimentary rocks changed from shales to coarse sandstones even conglomerates. 晚白垩世总体上属于海退过程,海底扇处于消亡阶段,其岩石由泥岩类向砂岩类直至砾岩类演化。
- Keywords mapping method;flysch;submarine fan;sequence stratigraphy; 填图方法;复理石;海底扇;层序地层;
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city. 有一道深谷把这座城市分成两部分。
- State-of-Art and Development Trend of Deep Submarine Rescue Vehicle(DSRV) 深潜救生艇的现状及发展趋势
- Palaeogeo palaeo-pearl river submarine fan systems of South China Sea 地球物理方法
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- A deep ravine is on the left of the road. 有一道深沟在马路左边。