- deep ocean sound field 深海声场
- The deep-sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water. 深海中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。
- How could you possibly get seasick from my ocean sound effects CD? 妳怎么可能听著我大海音响效果的CD而晕船呢?
- The deep-sea fish is in their element in deep ocean water. 深海鱼类适宜在深海水中生活。
- The deep sea fish is in his element in deep ocean water. 深水中的鱼只能在大洋中生存。
- Over a deep ocean of sorrow, reaching to the very edge of despair. 越过深深的苦海,到达了绝望的边缘。
- Why is there myriad colour in the deep ocean with no light to see it? 为什么深海中各种各样的颜色没有光也能看到?
- Swim the deepest ocean, just to be near you. 越过深海,只为靠近你。
- Give me a break! How could you possibly get seasick from my ocean sound effects CD? 让我休息一下!(能不能让我清静一点!),我的海洋音效的CD就能让你感觉晕船了?(真是不可思议!
- The effect of sound field on the catalysis activity and the molecular conformation of protease was discussed. 本文综述了声场对蛋白酶催化活力及分子构象的影响。
- Volcanoes release water and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and ocean. Subduction of sediments rich in volatiles takes place at deep ocean trenches. 火山活动把水汽和二氧化碳释放到大气和海洋中,而在海洋深处的海沟富含挥发成份的沉积物发生俯冲。
- Also the conformation of protease molecule was effected to some extent by sound field. 有关研究也发现,声场作用会引起蛋白酶分子构象发生一定程度的变化。
- It is barely ten since systematic deep ocean bathymetry revealed the structure of rifts, fractures and trenches associated with sea floor spreading. 系统的深海深度测量揭示了与海底扩张有关的狭谷带、断裂带和海沟的结构。
- THX ASA creates the studio sound field in your home by digitally reconfiguring the surround channels. THX ASA通过数码重置环绕通道来重建立体声音场。
- Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud. 让他们在最深的海洋中遨游或是在最高的云端上翱翔吧.
- Also the conformation of protease molecule was effected to some extent by sound field . 有关研究也发现,声场作用会引起蛋白酶分子构象发生一定程度的变化。
- These passions, in a wayward course, are over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. 这些激情像飓风,反复地吹拂过深重的苦海,濒于绝境。
- It is aroused by the interaction between the solid media (mainly stacks) in the sound field and the oscillating fluid. 它是由处于声场中的固体介质(主要为板叠)与振荡的流体之间相互作用所造成的。
- Creatures like Pompeii worm, vampire squid, and anglerfish, etc. are attracting more and more people to explore the mysterious and vast deep ocean. 象庞贝虫,吸血乌贼和琵琶鱼这样的深海生物都正在吸引越来越多的人到这片广袤而又神秘的地方探险。
- F.Jacobson. Sound Field Indicators: Useful Tools. Noise and Engineering Journal, 1990,35(1) :37-46. 声学噪声源声功率级的测定-消声室和半消声室精密法.