- Design and Application of the Pulling and Arching Supporting Structure in the Deep Foundation Pit Project 深基坑拉锚联合支护结构设计及工程应用
- The Optimum Design and Engineering Application of the Pulling and Arching Supporting Structure in Deep Foundation Pit Projects 深基坑拉锚式围护结构的优化设计及工程应用
- Time and Space Monitoring of Strutting Pile Body for Deep Foundation Pit Project 深基坑工程支护桩体时空监测
- Construction Example of Deep Foundation Pit Project Unitedly Supported by Artificial Excavated Piles and Anchor-bar Soil-nail Wall 人工挖孔桩、锚杆土钉墙联合支护深基坑工程施工实例
- deep foundation pit projects 深基坑工程
- deep foundation pit project 深基坑工程
- The groundwater control is the key technique of the construction of large deep foundation pit. 地下水控制是大型深基坑工程中的关键技术。
- This techmique is widely used to reinforce subgrade,pile foundation and supporting of deep foundation pit. 广泛应用于地基加固,桩基础,深基坑支护等方面。
- Optimization of bracing plans for deep foundation pit is a important task of bracing design. 摘要深基坑支护方案的优选是基坑支护设计的一项重要工作。
- Combined with a case and compared to many kinds of schemes, the optimum design of large-scale deep foundation pit is presented in this paper. 结合工程实例,通过各种方案比较,阐述了深大基坑的优化设计。
- The design and construction for deep foundation pit support are protrusive technical difficulties in present high and super-high city buildings. 深基坑支护设计与施工是当前城市高层、超高层建筑突显的技术难题。
- This paper introduces the design and construction of retaining structure for deep foundation pit at Huayuandonglu Station of Beijing Subway. 本文介绍了北京地铁花园东路站东区邻河明挖深基坑支护结构设计与施工方案。
- During the excavation of deep foundation pit, the seepage of groundwater forms a drawdown cone around the foundation pit. 利用该模型分析了在软土地区深基坑开挖引起地下水渗流场的变化。
- Based on the actual practice,the authors show the SMW pile enclosure structure used in deep foundation pit,and summarize the construction technologies. 根据工程实际情况,对深基坑围护采用的SMW工法桩围护结构进行了详细介绍,并且根据现场实际施工情况进行了总结。
- In the paper, the design of dewatering and drainage by pipe well point method for deep foundation pit excavation of a metro station in Shenzhen city is presented. 主要介绍了深圳地铁×车站深基坑开挖所采用的管井井点降水方案的设计情况。
- After performance-based supervisory control system of retaining pile deformation is established,pushover analysis is introduced into excavation monitoring of deep foundation pit. 在已建立基于性能的支护桩测斜监控体系的基础上,在基坑开挖监控过程中引进推覆分析方法。
- Based on the practice of deep foundation pit excavation support, design of deep foundation pit support was discussed, the empirical formulas of the designed parameter were given. 根据深基坑开挖支护的实践,论述了深基坑支护的设计,给出了设计参数的经验公式。
- The process of designing, construction and monitoring is introduced for a deep foundation pit with circle waling support in Wuhan area.The design principle is specially described. 介绍了武汉市某深基坑工程采用圆形围筒式支护的设计、施工及监测的全过程。
- It can not be avoided to encounter some difficulties in the excavation of deep foundation pit due to the limitation of design and inaccuracy of parameter. 由于设计的局限性以及参数的不确定性(具有上下限),深基坑开挖中难免会遇到一些意外的困难。