- deep foundation of bridge 大桥深基础
- The debris flow gully erosion exposes the foundation of bridge or embankment.Its hazards are not inferior to that of silting. 泥石流沟道侵蚀的危害(桥梁、堤防基础暴露等)不亚于泥石流淤积。
- Longitudinally, it embodies the vein of historical development of culture, whereas synchronically it comprises the vast and deep foundation of Yi culture. 就纵向而言,突出了体现彝族文化的历史发展脉络,从横向上看,包容着恢宏深厚的彝族文化基因。
- To study vertical bearing behavior of the foundation,a shaft diaphragm wall foundation of bridge in loess area was tested for bearing capacity by use of the self-balanced method. 为研究其竖向承载特性,在国内首次采用自平衡法对黄土地区某桥梁的井筒式地下连续墙基础进行了现场静载试验。
- Answer: According to ranking regulation, to the disease of bridge Sui, wadi foundation of stage of change, mound erodes adjustable adjuster undertakes circumstance and rail fixed observation, fill in " adjustable adjuster observation records rail book " . 答:按照上级规定,对桥隧的病害、河道变化、墩台基础冲刷情况及钢轨伸缩调节器进行定期观测,填写《钢轨伸缩调节器观测记录簿》。
- He plays a wicked game of bridge. 他桥牌打得很棒。
- Extra large body of bridge bears the whole main bearing foundation of structure of bridge, service life and security of the whole bridge of back cover quality relation of the foundation pit. 特大型桥梁的锚体或承台都是全桥的主要承重结构的基础,基坑的封底质量关系全桥的使用寿命和安全。
- He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work. 他通过学习和努力工作为成功打下了基础。
- The foundation of this university took place over 100 years ago. 这所大学于一百多年前创建。
- Deep foundation pit support technique of bridge and culvert with soft soil foundation in seaside region 滨海软土地基桥涵深基坑支护技术
- There is waterfall at this upstream of bridge. 在这座桥的上游有条瀑布。
- High buildings have a deep foundation. 高楼地基深。
- She plays a mean game of bridge. 她桥牌打得非常出色
- Socrates laid the foundations of logic. 苏格拉底奠定了逻辑学的基础。
- Who will join us in a game of bridge? 谁愿意与我们一起打桥牌?
- Good order is the foundation of all things. 良好的秩序是一切的基础。
- Will you join us in a walk [a game of bridge]? 你和我们一道去散散步[打桥牌]好吗?
- Badgers had undermined the foundations of the church. 獾在这座教堂的地基处打了洞。
- I am in the mood for a game of bridge. 我想打一场桥牌。
- Humility is the foundation of glory. 谦卑是荣誉的基础。