- This paper analyzes the phenomenon in security market and finds out the essential reason with theory of Noise trading and finally, proposes the countermeasures for decreasing noise trading. 本文借鉴金融噪声理论对中国证券市场进行剖析,阐述了造成这种现象的根本性原因,提出减少噪声交易的对策措施。
- Effect of decreasing noise level 降噪效果
- This paper provides that partial open sound insulating cover is adopted to insulate against sound and decrease noise of large air compressor unit. 介绍了采用局部敞开式隔声罩隔音降噪技术治理空分站大型空压机组噪声的治理方案及取得的效果。
- The gears adopt optimum design of fine-depth teeth and shot peening treatment in order to decrease noise if gearing and increase the capacity. 各齿轮副均采用优化细长齿轮,并进行强化喷丸,有效降低啮合噪音、提高承载能力。
- Loud Noise Reason and Measure of Decreasing Noise of Recorder Motor 录音机电机噪声过大的原因及降低噪声的措施
- Research on decreasing noise of gear pump Type CB-B25 降低CB-B25型齿轮泵噪声的研究
- A loud noise from the street diverted my attention. 街上一阵喧闹声转移了我的注意力。
- The noise awoke her from her revery. 这声音把我她从沉思中惊醒。
- That noise is driving me frantic. 那种噪音真要把我弄疯了。
- Decreasing Noises inside Diesel Engine Test Shop 柴油机试车车间噪声控制初探
- The thick walls deadened the noise from the street. 这道厚墙隔绝了街上的噪音。
- The birthrate in the city has been decreasing. 该市的出生率一直持续下降。
- A noise abatement notice is served on the club. 向俱乐部发停止大声喧哗的通知。
- Interest in the sport is decreasing. 人们对此项运动的兴趣已逐渐淡薄。
- The noise of traffic grows louder and louder. 交通的噪音变得愈来愈大。
- The noise struck terror into their hearts. 那声音使他们心里产生恐惧。
- He turned around as he heard a noise behind him. 他听到身后有响声,便转过身来。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。
- The loud noise made me leap out of my skin. 这么响的声音吓了我一大跳。
- His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. 他被交通噪音弄得神经紧张。