- The shop window is all decorate for christmas. 为迎接圣诞节商店的橱窗被装饰一新。
- Several soldiers were decorated for bravery. 数名士兵因英勇而受嘉奖。
- The general was decorated for winning the battle. 将军因赢得这一战役而被授勋。
- They are putting up decorations for the festival. 他们在为节日布置装饰品。
- The soldier was decorated for bravery. 这名战士因勇敢而被授勋。
- I'll finish the decorations for you. 我要给你把这些都装饰好。
- You are supposed to get decorations for the class. 你应该为班上找有代表性的饰品。
- Decorating for you thinking about you every night? 每天晚上用记忆来装饰你的思想吗?
- Decoration for Merit for Reserve Service: Gold. 金质预备役功勋奖章。
- Decoration for Merit for Reserve Service: Silver. 银质预备役功勋奖章。
- A number of airmen were decorated for their merits. 一些飞行员因功荣获了勋章。
- They make perfect decorations for homage. 它们都是家里或办公室最好的装饰品。
- These soldiers were decorated for bravery. 这些士兵因英勇而获奖。
- The shop windows are all decorated for Christmas. 为迎接圣诞节商店的橱窗被装饰一新。
- The young girl was decorated for bravery. 这个年轻的女孩被授予英勇勋章。
- The clerk was decorated for his courage in the face of enemy. 那位职员面对敌人毫不畏惧,因此而受到奖励。
- Florence, Italy studio specializing in bouquets and decor for weddings and business events. 意大利佛罗伦萨的工作室,专门在鲜花装饰为婚礼及商务活动。
- Can be purchased with a cake- we will do the decorating for you. 可与蛋糕一起点选,让我们的师父帮您做装饰。
- The policeman was decorated for his valor in rescuing the victim. 这位警察因为在拯救受害人时表现英勇而被授以勋章。
- Trailers arrived earlier with decorations for the parties. 早些时候;有几辆装载了聚会装璜材料的拖车到达该处;