- Overexploitation cycle exists in the general decline phase, when the growth rate has exceeded supply demand rising vacancy rate, prices fell trend. 过度开发一般存在于循环的下降阶段,这时供给的增长速度已经超过需求,空置率上升,价格出现下跌趋势。
- Overexploitation (overheating) cycles exist in the general decline phase, when the growth rate has exceeded supply demand rising vacancy rate, prices fell trend. 过度开发(过热)一般存在于循环的下降阶段,这时供给的增长速度已经超过需求,空置率上升,价格出现下跌趋势。
- The growth kinetics model of Monascus were established,which divide the growth profile into three phase: accelerating phase, deceleration phase and decline phase. 将红曲霉发酵过程分为快速期,减速期和衰退期,进而建立了界面上红曲霉生长的动力学模型。
- "The evolution of the epidemic is now in its declining phase," said Jose Angel Cordova, the health minister. 卫生部长JoseAngelCordova说:“疫情已经现在处在它的衰退阶段。”
- The works of Li sao expanded the artistic creation of Elegies of Chu from quantity and led Elegies of Chu to the declined phase. 拟骚之作从量上扩展了楚辞的艺术创造,同时也使楚辞步入了衰落阶段;
- The decline of sales embarrassed the company. 销路下降使公司陷于财政困难。
- She is on the decline, and may die soon. 她的健康每况愈下,可能不久于人世。
- There is a decline in real wages. 实际工资有所减少。
- Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline? 通货膨胀是经济衰退的征兆吗?
- They looked into the various phases of the problem. 他们研究了问题的各个方面。
- The child is going through a difficult phase. 那孩子正经历困难的阶段。
- The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase. 那两组交通灯不同步。
- In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire. 事实上,道德沦丧加速了罗马帝国的衰亡。
- Observation on Decline Phase of Maintenance of Brugia malayi-Meriones unguiculatus Model 马来丝虫长爪沙鼠动物模型保种衰退期的观察
- They have decided to phase in the new techniques. 他们已决定逐步引入新技术。
- The windshield wipers are out of phase now. 挡水玻璃刮水器现在动作不协调。
- Crime rate in the white areas here is on the decline. 此间白人居住区的犯罪率正在下降。
- The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand. 由于市场需求下降,这家公司的生意每况愈下。
- The number of robberies in the area is on the decline. 这地区的劫案在减少。
- It took me at least three months to wade through The Decline of the West. 我起玛花了三个月的时间才读完《西方文明的衰落》。