- The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。
- The people declare against the war. 人民宣布反对这场战争。
- The heavens declare the glory of God. 天空象徵上帝的荣耀。
- He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那房子。
- She toed cautiously into the room. 她小心翼翼地踮着脚走进房间。
- Play fair; an investor who plays cautiously. 公平处置; 一个表现谨慎的投资者
- I now declare this meeting open. 我现在宣布会议开幕。
- I declare the motion is carried by a majority of six to one. 我宣布该动议以6比1的多数获得通过。
- The constitution vests the president with the power to declare war. 宪法授予总统宣战权。
- The beaver now being completely "up to trap" approaches them cautiously. 海狸这一次变精明了,它很小心地靠近他们。
- Have you anything to declare? Any wines, perfumes, silks? 你有什么东西要报关吗?有酒,有香水或是丝绸吗?
- I hereby declare John Henry elected. 我特此宣布约翰•亨利当选了。
- The power to declare war resides in Congress. 宣战的权力属于国会。
- The young boxer came at the champion cautiously. 年轻的拳击手小心翼翼地逼向拳王。
- I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair. 我向你声明,我在这件事上从来没有说过谎。
- She was looking cautiously around. 她谨慎地寻视四周。
- You'd better declare your curio to the official. 你最好把那件古玩向海关官员申报纳税。
- We decided to declare them personae non grata. 我们决定宣布他们为不受欢迎的人。
- We must go cautiously, to be sure! 我们当然得小心行事!
- They cautiously approached the enemy pillbox. 他们小心翼翼地向敌人的碉堡靠近。