- How long did the decision take and how agonising was it? 阿森纳官网:做这个决定让你花费了多久,其间你感觉有多苦恼?
- For optimal toner milling and classification, MALPS provides particle sizing solutions that help take process wastage to an all time low. 可快速访问我们的网上研讨会(实时并进行记录)、应用程序说明和随需演示。
- Capacity To Withstand Commercial Negotiation, Team Organization, Problem Solving, Relationship Build, Planning And Strategy, Decision Taking. 具备优秀的商务谈判、独立解决问题、团队组织及建立良好客户关系的能力。
- For the record,I am opposed to the decision taken at this meeting. 我声明,我反对这次会议通过的决定。
- For the record, I am opposed to the decision taken at this meeting. 我声明,我反对这次会议通过的决定。
- I think it's a bold decision and a good decision taking Terry Venables as his assistant, but I certainly don't see Terry and Steve pushing Becks out straight away, which is right. 我想,找来维纳布尔斯来当助手是一个勇敢而又明智的决定,但我很明显没有看到他们直接把贝克汉姆踢出球队,尽管我认为这么做(弃用贝克汉姆)是对的。
- This thesis take process planning as center, study the distributed collaborative design mode of aircraft sheet metal parts engineering design, Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering design platform for Sheet metal parts (AMES) is designed and developed. 本文以钣金件工艺设计为中心,研究钣金件工程设计分布式协同设计模式,设计和开发钣金件工程设计协同平台(AircraftManufacturing Engineering design platform for Sheet metal parts:AMES)。 论文主要研究工作概括为以下几个方面:
- Resource-allocation decisions take many forms and occur on many levels. 资源分配决策有多种形式和层次。
- Khelil says the decision takes effect immediately, with a 40-day time frame for it to be implemented. 哈利勒表示,这个减产决定立即生效,并且要在40天内贯彻执行。
- More important than all this was the decision taken in the third week of January about the man who was not going to stand. 更为重要的是,在一月的第三个星期,这个人作出了不参加竞选的决定。
- Revocation decision should be publicized. The publicizing day should be execution day and .execution decision takes effect since then. 撤销决定应当予以公告,撤销决定的公告日期为处置日,撤销决定自公告之时生效。
- We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations. 我们的行动永远考虑组织及社会的永续发展,每一个决定都替未来世代着想。
- One recorder should make a complete record of all decisions taken by the RO. 要有一个记录员将总裁判长的所有决策记录下来。
- Today's decision takes into account that inflationary pressures have continued to diminish, owing in particular to the further weakening in the economic outlook. 今天的决定考虑到通胀压力继续减少,由于在特别是进一步削弱了他们对经济前景。
- France's parliament supported President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to bring the country back into NATO's military command, reversing a decision taken in 1966 by Charles de Gaulle. 法国国会支持总统尼古拉斯.;萨克奇的使国家总返北约军事体系,这违背了1966年查尔斯戴高乐所作的决定。
- Most of us have suffered the consequences of stupid decisions taken by others. 我们大部分人都曾承受过其他人的愚蠢决定所带来的后果。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- I'm taking my car to the garage to be looked at. 我要把汽车送到修车厂去检修。
- All members of the Cabinet are collectively responsible for decisions taken. 所有内阁成员对所作决定集体负责。