- decision rule scavenge 决策规则提取
- Meanwhile,decision rule and quantificational standard for proper blank element size have been brought forward. 提出了合适的坯料网格尺寸的确定原则及其定量标准。
- Finally, the correct rate of 84.35% in 13 cases (260 min) is gotten by using Bayes minimum error decision rule to recognize the FM. 最后利用贝叶斯最小错误率决策准则进行模式识别。通过对13例共260分钟的腹部胎动信号的分析、处理及分类,其正确识别率达84。35%25。
- There are no decision rules with which to choose decision rules. 它可以告诉我们该选用哪一条规则来进行操作。
- The transfer function of whitening filter is provided, the receiver structure based on Karhunen-Loeve expansion and the decision rule are also given. 文中给出了白化滤波器的传递函数,信号检测的判决规则和接收系统结构;
- A new general AND/OR tree is defined in terms of the non-pessimistic decision rule, which is proved to be equivalent in cost value to its best solution tree. 本文根据乐观决策准则提出了广义与或树这一新概念,证明了广义与或树的耗散值与其最佳解树的耗散值是等价的。
- In this paper, we introduce four boolean kernels.Using the four kernel functions which we introduce, we build a novelty decision rule classifier named as DRC-BK. 本文介绍了四种具有归纳偏置的布尔核函数,我们利用这四种核函数构造出一种新颖的决策规则分类器DRC-BK。
- It doesn’t mean the attempt to utilize an arithmetic or decision rule grouping multiply categories at a time.Instead, it grades and then settles the issues. 它不是企图用一种算法,一个决策规则去把多个类别一次分开,而是采用分级的形式,使分类问题逐步得到解决。
- Rough sets theory provides a framework in which indiscernibility relations and boolean reasoning form a foundation for data reduction and decision rule generation. 粗糙集理论的概念性框架之一就是利用不可分辨关系和布尔推理作为数据约简和获取决策规则的基础。
- Sliding mode control is a particular type of Variable Structure Control System (VSCS).A VSCS is characterised by a suite of feedback control laws and a decision rule. 在任何控制问题的陈述中,在控制的设计发展中现行的设备和数学模型之间总是有着明显的差异。
- These problems are as follows:scientific decision rule,comparison of mult-schemes,market analysis,price analysis and forecast,basic re turn rate of project,fund raising etc. 本文阐述了可行性研究人员向投资者提供决策分析时应考虑的一些问题:科学决策准则;多方案比较;市场分析;价格分析和预测;项目基准收益率;资金筹措。
- An approach of reduction decision table is proposed to induce decision rules. 并在此基础上,给出了一种决策表的简化方法,推导出决策规则。
- At last, the authors get the decision table and distill decision rules. 最后得到决策表的简化表,并从中提取出决策规则。
- Decision inference of the extended decision rules was implemented using fuzzy CRI (compositional rule of inference). 用关系合成的模糊推理方法,实现了扩展决策规则集的决策推理。
- The status of intonation use is a decisive rule for measuring a person's Mandarin level. 语调运用状态是衡量普通话水平的重要标尺,语调评价是普通话水平测试的重要内容。
- Based on this system, the decision rule and the threshold of local fusion center are analyzed under the Neyman-Pearson criterion.The stimulation proves that the detection performance is enhanced. 根据此系统结构,分析了在N-P准则下,各局部融合中心的融合规则和门限的确定,仿真结果表明,系统的检测性有明显改善。
- A 1954 Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation had no place in public schools. 一九五四年最高法院的一个判决; 决定了在公立学校里不准实行种族隔离政策.
- Finally, a new prototype system with 596 decision rules in it, based on fuzzy inference, is developed. 最后,本文发展出一个以模糊推论为基础且含596条决策规则的新原型系统。
- The Ching court began to feel its rule threatened. 清廷开始感到自己的统治受到了威胁。
- With the basic principle of rough set, customers dig out the decision rules they wanted. 利用粗糙集理论的基本原理,挖掘出用户需要的决策规则。