- Objective To establish an in vitro model of human decidual cell culture for screening drugs and studying antifertility drugs. 目的建立分散的人蜕膜质细胞培养模型以用于抗生育药物的筛选研究。
- Our results showed that the modified method of decidual cell culture and the establishment of implantation model were simple, practical and reliable. 结论蜕膜细胞是理想的共同培养的饲养细胞,本实验方法具有简单、实用和可靠的特点。
- The invasiveness of trophoblast derived from first trimester pregnancy can be inhibited by decidual cell conditioned media (DCM),while the mechanism is not very clear. 先前研究表明,蜕膜细胞条件培养液(decidual cell conditioned media,DCM)能够阻止早孕滋养细胞的侵入,然而其具体机制尚未阐明。
- The main effect of yuanhuacine on the decidual cells was to alter the permeability of the lysosomal membrane. 芫花萜对蜕膜细胞的作用,主要是引起溶酶体膜通透性的改变。
- Gossypol and misopr0stol could directly damaged the luteal and decidual cells cultured in vitro. 醋酸棉酚和米索前列醇对体外培养大鼠黄体细胞和人蜕膜细胞都有明显的损伤作用,呈现量-效相关性。
- Apart from the increasing of decidual cells in G2 +M phases(P<0.05), there was no change in other phases. 蜕膜细胞除G2、M期细胞上升(P<0.;05)外,其余各期无变化。
- Abstract The synthesis and secretion of active renin were regulated by progesterone in incubated decidual cells. 摘要 孕酮可调节蜕膜细胞活性肾素的合成与分泌。
- The presence of EGTA obviously enhanced the inhibition of TFP on the viability of the decidual cells. EGTA可增强三氟拉嗪对细胞活力的抑制作用。
- The aim of the present work isto find out the effect of ethyl norges-trienone on decidual cells of earlypregnancy. 本工作观察了18-甲基三烯炔诺酮对早孕蜕膜细胞的影响。
- Objective To establish highly purified functional human decidual cells from human placental in vitro. 摘要目的建立纯度较高的适于实验研究的人蜕膜细胞。
- The DCM of the early- and late-pregnancy decidual cell cultures significantly down-regulated the MMP-2 expression, and up-regulated the expression of the TIMP-2 and PAI-1 mRNA in COC1 cells in comparison with the control cells (P<0.01). 早孕及晚孕DCM能显著下调卵巢癌细胞株COC1 MMP-2的表达(P<0.;01); 早孕及晚孕DCM处理的卵巢癌细胞株COC1也表达TIMP-2、PAI-1 mRNA;且有显著差异(P<0
- Results:HSP 70 mainly distributed in stroma cells and decidual cells of endometrium lamina propria and was negative in endometrium epithelium and glandular epithelium. 结果:热休克蛋白70主要存在于子宫内膜固有层的基质细胞及蜕膜细胞,内膜上皮、腺上皮中未见表达。
- The mechanism of decidualization was investigated in this study by regulation of prolactin (PRL) release in cultured human decidual cells during first trimester of gestation. 为探讨蜕膜化维持的调节机制, 本文研究了妊娠早期人子宫蜕膜细胞催乳素(PRL)分泌的调节。
- It suggested that YELLOW DAPHNE directly destroyed the decidual cells inducing to synthesis and release of endogencus prostaglandin (FG) , which might cause contraction of uterus and softening of the cervix, leading to abcrtion. 证明黄芫花抗早孕的机制主要是黄芫花直接作用于蜕膜组织,使蜕膜细胞变性、坏死,引起内源性前列腺素的合成与释放,从而发动宫缩、软化宫颈、导致流产。
- Expression of Fas in syncytiotrophoblast and decidual cells: Indensty of Fas immnostaining in syncytiotrophoblast and decidual cells was signifantly elevated in PIH group (Ps=0. 001, Pd=0. 004) compared with the normal group . 胎盘绒毛滋养细胞及蜕膜组织细胞Fas表达强度比较:妊高征组与对照组比较绒毛滋养细胞及蜕膜细胞Fas表达明显增强(P_绒=0.;001,P_蜕=0
- This study aimed to establish a culture method for DSC in mouse uterus.The construction of a co-cultured system of decidual cells will lay a good foundation to study pathological pregnancy. 实验拟建立良好的小鼠子宫蜕膜基质细胞培养方法,为进一步建立蜕膜细胞共培养系统将为研究病理性妊娠打下良好的基础。
- Abstract The mechanism of decidualization was investigated in this study by regulation of prolactin (PRL) release in cultured human decidual cells during first trimester of gestation. 摘要 研究了妊娠早期人子宫蜕膜细胞催乳素(PRL)分泌的调节。结果表明:(1)孕酮显著地刺激PRL的分泌。
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- Results On the pregnant side, the ECL receptor is mainly distributed in the trophoblast and its basement membrane, the surface of the decidual cells and their surrounding extracellular matrix(ECM). 结果 怀孕侧,ECL主要表达于胚胎滋养层细胞及其基膜,蜕膜细胞及其周围的细胞外基质(ECM);
- She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell. 有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上。