- decentralized supervision 分散监视
- New workers often need close supervision. 新工人通常需要严密的管理。
- There are five people under her supervision. 有五个人在她的监督之下。
- This drug should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. 此药须遵医嘱服用。
- Close attention; close supervision. 密切注意; 严格监督
- Children should not be left to play without supervision. 孩子玩的时候不能无人照看。
- Is China a Decentralized Country? 中国是分权制国家吗?
- Management, supervision, or guidance of an action or operation. 监督,管理对动作或操作的管理、监督或指导
- How should the financial supervision acclimatize itself to the centralized and decentralized financial management mode? 在集权与分权结合的财务管理模式中,财务监督应如何适应这种财务管理模式呢?
- John hates to work under supervision. 约翰不喜欢工作时受人监督。
- Do you enjoy working under your own supervision? 你愿意在自我的督导下工作吗?
- Many European governments were decentralized after the war. 战后许多欧洲国家的政府都把权力下放了。
- Our supervision hotline is 2766492. 我局的监督电话是2766492。
- Watchful care or management; supervision. 照管,监督细心照料或管理;监督
- After the revolution, food distribution was decentralized. 革命之后食物的分配被分散了。
- He kept the farms under his immediate supervision. 他在亲自监督之下经营农
- Is our financial system centralized or decentralized? 究竟我们现在是集中多了,还是分散多了?
- Learning is now interactive and so is supervision. 现在,不只学习是互动的,连监督也同样是互动的。
- She says, "On a MUD, the self is multiplied and decentralized. 她说,“在一款MUD中,自我是多重而且被去掉了中心的。”
- Warning! For use under adult supervision. 警告!成人直接监督下方得使用。