- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- What made the Roman Empire decay? 罗马帝国为何衰亡?
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- Old civilization may fall into decay. 古老的文化可能会渐渐衰落下去。
- The empty house has fallen into decay. 那座空房已成一片颓垣。
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- The tree exhibited signs of decay. 那棵树显示腐蛀的迹象。
- At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- His mental decay is distressing. 他的智力衰退令人苦恼。
- Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。
- The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth. 牙医检查了她的牙,未见有龋齿。
- Cavities in teeth are caused by decay. 牙齿的蛀洞是由蛀蚀造成的。
- The athlete got over the distance in ten minutes. 那个运动员用了10分钟跑完这段路程。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- My house is four miles distance from the sea. 我家离海四英里。
- We can see the mountain from the distance. 我们从远处就可以看到那座山。
- Human remains, especially after cremation or decay. 骨灰人的遗骸,尤指在火化或腐烂后
- A bullfrog was croaking in the distance. 一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。
- I heard a faint sound in the distance. 我听到远处有个微弱的声音。