- Peak period of debt repayment; peak debt repayment period; debt repayment peak 还债高峰期
- debt repayment peak 偿债高峰
- But the precondition is that the creditor banks should not press too hard for debt repayment beforehand or in advance. 但前提是各个债权银行不要逼债,不要逼它们提前偿还贷款。
- The debt repayment by a bankrupt legal entity is under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the locality of the legal entity. 企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。
- The term "annual expenditures" shall refer to all disbursements during a fiscal year, excluding debt repayment. 称岁出者,谓一个会计年度之一切支出。但不包括债务之偿还。
- After the Golden Week banks will usher in a credit card repayment peak, credit card holders for the holiday season, a big special brush brush "foot the bill. 黄金周过后各家银行将迎来一个信用卡的还款高峰,信用卡持卡人要为假日期间的大刷特刷“买单”了。
- FIEs could also borrow forex directly from domestic and overseas banks, but were required to register with SAFE afterwards, and obtain approval by SAFE for debt repayment and services. 外商投资企业可以直接向境内外银行借款,但事后须向国家外汇管理局登记。获准支付债务或服务费用。
- This project will be operated according to BOT.The investing parties are responsible for financing, construction, operation, maintenance, debt repayment and handover to maturity of this project. 项目按BOT方式运作,由投资方负责本项目的资金筹措、建设、经营、维护和债务偿还和到期移交。
- Where the creditors do not confirm or the people's court does not acknowledge the debt repayment scheme, the liquidation group shall apply to the people's court for bankruptcy announcement. 债权人对债务清偿方案不予确认或者人民法院不予认可的,清算组应当依法向人民法院申请宣告破产。
- I took her to court for repayment of the debt. 我为索取债务而起诉她。
- Ample foreign exchange reserves will help the government tide over the peak period of debt repayment 充裕的外汇储备有助于政府渡过还债高峰期
- Appraise the Debt Repayment Ability 论偿债能力评估
- A letter of guarantee of a foreign insurance company to undertake the obligations of tax and duties payment and debts repayment on behalf of its branch in China. 外国保险公司对其中国境内分公司承担税务、债务的责任担保书。
- He was relentless in demanding repayment of the debt. 他冷酷无情地要求偿还那笔债。
- All sorts of commodity except oil increase of exit in great quantities.Make Indonesian avoided to default external debt repays and slip not to stabilize a situation into politics. 除石油之外的各种商品出口的大量增加.使印尼避免了拖欠外债偿还和滑入政治不稳定局面。
- Many mountaineers have reached that mountain peak. 许多登山家都登上过那座大山的顶峰。
- We have a precipitous climb to the peak. 我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。
- Please rest assured that repayment is ensured. 请您放心,还款是有保障的。
- Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。
- The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。