- The sea tided the debris ashore. 潮水把碎片杂物冲上海滩。
- He showed me a drawing of the glacier. 他给我看一张冰川图。
- Mr Forster and his guide entered upon this portion of the glacier. 福斯特先生和他的向导进入了冰河地区。
- Debris was being loaded into skips. 垃圾正被装进废料车内。
- debris glacier 崩落冰川
- The tide ebbed away, leaving behind seaweed and debris. 潮退了,剩下的都是海草和瓦砾。
- That debris protected the remaining glacier ice for millions of years. 那些碎石使冰川中残留的冰保留了几百万年。
- The glacier calved a large iceberg. 冰河崩解而形成一个大冰山。
- The slow movement of rock debris and soil down a weathered slope. 蠕动岩石碎片和土壤沿着受风雨侵蚀的滑坡向下缓慢移动
- The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses. 冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。
- The longest valley glacier extends 23 km. 最长的河谷冰川有23公里长。
- The glacier dislocated great stones. 冰川使许多大石块移位了。
- A river or glacier debouches on the plains. 一条河流或冰川流向平原。
- Debris collects in the crevices on teeth. 碎片在牙齿上的裂缝中堆积起来。
- What it can do: Dissolve pore-blocking debris. 功效:可溶解堵塞毛孔的皮肤碎屑。
- After the bombing there was a lot of debris. 轰炸之后,一片瓦砾。
- I told Andrew to be careful crossing the glacier. 我告诉安德鲁过冰川时要小心。
- The experts did a painstaking sifting of debris. 专家们对岩屑进行了煞费苦心的研究。
- The glacier scooped a canyon out of rocks . 冰河在礁石中冲出了一条河谷。
- The glacier dislocated the great stones. 冰河搬动了巨石。