- Hunted by enemy death squads, she was separated from her family. 被敌人的行刑队所追捕她与她的家人失散了。
- The anti-coalition insurgents have been joined by sectarian death squads whose aim is the ethnic cleansing of mixed Sunni and Shia areas. 反对联合政府的叛乱分子有教派敢死队合流,后者的目标是对于逊尼派与什叶派杂居地区进行种族清洗。
- A Sunni Arab party criticises the collapse of a trial of two Iraqi ex-officials accused of aiding death squads. 一个逊尼派的阿拉伯人宴会批评援助暗杀小组的被控告的二位伊拉克人前任官员的审判的崩溃。
- "Those who are tortured and being killed are being killed by death squads, by hit squads. 那些被虐待和杀害的人死于敢死队和打击队的杀害。
- And with insurgents and death squads viewing them as collaborators with the enemy, going back home isn't a realistic option, either. 一些起义者和敢死队把他们看成是敌人的合作者,回家也不是一个实际的选择。
- U.S.Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad blamed most killings in Iraq on "death squads" associated with sectarian militias. 美国驻伊拉克大使哈利乍德认为,伊拉克大多数杀戮事件是和宗派激进分子有关联的行刑队所为。
- He said the priorities are to bring Baghdad under control, disband illegal militias, bring death squad leaders to justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process. 他说某些优先权使得巴格达在掌控之中,取缔非法武装,审判处死敢死队首脑并且继续进行国际调解工作。
- Peru alleges Fujimori, 68, ordered death squads and participated in acts of government corruption. He has denied all the allegations, calling them politically motivated. 秘鲁宣称现年68岁的藤森曾给行刑队下达过命令,并参与了政府腐败行为。藤森本人对所有一切的主张予以否认,并称它们是出于政治目的。
- Drugs, gangs, murders, vigilante death squads and warring religious factions combine to provide a scourge to society in the Philippines that never stops. 贩毒、黑帮、谋杀、敢死队以及宗派冲突给菲律宾带来苦难,且从未停止。
- Mr Fujimori is already serving a 25-year sentence for authorising a paramilitary death squad. 藤森因授权一准军事敢死队,已经正在25年的服刑中。
- The verdict is likely to affect the trial of Alberto Fujimori, a former president, who is accused of authorising the death squad. 这一裁决可能会对前总统藤森的审判产生影响,藤森被控告向行刑队授权。
- A three-judge panel convicted him of ordering a military death squad to carry out massacres during his 1990 to 2000 rule. 一个三人法官小组判决藤森有罪,因为他在执政的1990-2000年期间命令一只杀人...
- Iraqi officials also say 60 bodies have been found in the Baghdad area in the past day, all with gu hot wounds and some showing sig of torture, likely the latest victims of sectarian death squads. 伊拉克官员还说,过去一天里在巴格达地区发现了60具尸体,尸体上都有枪伤,有的还有受刑的痕迹,很可能是被巴格达教派冲突中的杀人队打死的。
- As if the atrocities committed by terrorists and sectarian death squads in Iraq weren't bad enough, kidnapping has become one of the country's most common forms of crime since the fall of Saddam Hussein. 自从萨达姆倒台后;恐怖分子和宗派主义死亡小分队所犯下的暴行好象不是那么糟糕;而绑架已成为了这个国家最常见的犯罪形式.
- Iraqi officials also say60 bodies have been found in the Baghdad area in the past day, all with gunshot wounds and some showing signs of torture, likely the latest victims of sectarian death squads. 伊拉克官员还说,过去一天里在巴格达地区发现了60具尸体,尸体上都有枪伤,有的还有受刑的痕迹,很可能是被巴格达教派冲突中的杀人队打死的。
- He said the priorities are to bring Bagdad under control.This band (disband) illigal malitias ,bring [death squad ] leader to the justice and proceed with the national reconciliation process. 他说首要任务是控制巴格达的局势,解散非法民兵,将暗杀小队头目送上审判席并且进行国内调解。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 当发价人死亡,发价即被终止。
- The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决。
- The swan sings when death comes. 死期来到,天鹅歌声美妙。
- The president's death had unexpected repercussion. 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。