- The senate vote to abolish the death penalty. 立法机关投票决定废除死刑。
- Should we abolish the death penalty? 我们应该废除死刑吗?
- This house would abolish death penalty. 应该废除死刑。
- Should the death penalty be abolished? 应该废除死刑吗?
- If we are to abolish the death penalty, I shall like to see the first step take by my friend the murderer. 假使我们是要废除死刑的话,那我很想看看我的朋友——杀人凶手们——采取的第一步骤(是什么来着)。
- MPs voted against bringing back the death penalty. 下议院议员投票反对恢复死刑。
- Was he in favour of the death penalty? 他赞成死刑吗?
- death penalty abolishment 死刑废止
- It has become an irreversible trend to abolish death penalty in today's world. 当今世界,死刑废止已成为不可扭转之势。
- Some people would like to see the death penalty come back. 有些人希望恢复死刑。
- The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye. 犯谋杀罪处以死刑,其原则是一命抵一命。
- Therefore the reservation or abolishment of death penalty is decided on the social adaptability. 以社会之角度来看,死刑是存还是废,取决于社会能否适应。
- Are you for or against the death penalty? 你赞成还是反对死刑?
- The death penalty was restored in 1982. 死刑于1982年重新实施。
- Inflict the death penalty upon the murderer. 处杀人犯以死刑。
- We're trying to do away with the death penalty. 我们正设法废除死刑。
- You aren't against the death penalty, right? 你不反对死刑,对吗?
- One of those arrested would face the death penalty. 被逮捕的人中有一个将被判死刑。
- I opposed abolishes the death penalty system. 我反对废除死刑制度。
- The prosecutor bayed for a death penalty. 检察官高声宣判(给予)死刑。