- His mother had been sent to a Nazi German death camp. 他的母亲被送到了德国纳粹死亡集中营中。
- Later , they visited the remains of the Naci Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. 之后,他们参观了位于布痕瓦尔的德国纳粹集中营遗址。
- Later , they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. 之后,他们访问了位于布痕瓦尔德的纳粹集中营遗址。
- The resemblance to a real death camp like Auschwitz is close to zero.”. 道不知道奥斯维辛集中营毒气室的死难者都以为自己是去洗澡.
- Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. 后来,他们访问了不累瓦尔德纳粹集中营遗址。
- Pitt and Jolie arrived unannounced in Vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to Cambodia where on Wednesday they toured a former Khmer Rouge death camp. 本周早些时候,皮特和茱丽突然出现在柬埔寨,并于周三参观了原“红色高棉”集中营。之后两人又“悄悄”来到越南。
- He met with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Dresden.Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. 他在德累斯顿会见了德国总理默克尔,后来一同参观了布痕瓦尔德纳粹集中营遗址。
- Later they visited the remains of the Nazi deathcamp in death camp at Buchenwald. 稍后,他们访问了位于布痕瓦尔德的纳粹死亡集中营的遗址。
- Later they visited the remains of the note sea dies Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. 之后他们一起拜访了在布痕瓦尔德纳粹集中营的幸存者。
- Even before the deportations to the Treblinka death camp started, death could be arbitrary and instant. 即使在开始把人发配到Treblinka死亡集中营之前,死亡随时随地都会发生。
- In 1988 Mr Demjanjuk was sentenced to death by an Israeli court as “Ivan the Terrible”, a sadistic guard at the Treblinka death camp. 但在新的前苏联时期的文件对他的身份有所引文后,以色列最高法院推翻了原有的指控。
- German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has led a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazis Buchenwald death camp. 德国总理格哈特-施罗德主持了纳粹布痕瓦尔德集中营解放60周年的纪念活动。
- Wetzler was a Slovak Jew, and one of a very small number of Jews known to have escaped from the Auschwitz death camp during the Holocaust. 伟兹勒是一名斯洛伐克犹太人,同时也是已知的极少数在大屠杀时期成功逃出奥斯威辛死亡集中营的犹太人之一。
- Poles are twitchy when outsiders call it a “Polish death camp” and neglect to mention that it was built and run by the country's Nazi occupiers. 而当外界称之为“波兰死亡营”的时候波兰又乖戾的回避提及这一机构完全是由当时的纳粹占领者建立并管理的。
- One Waffen-SS general, Karl Wolff, boasted, "special joy now that 5000 members of the Chosen People [the Jews] are going to Treblinka [a death camp] every day". 其中一名武装党卫队将军,卡尔沃尔夫曾经吹嘘道“最高兴看到的就是每天有5000名犹太人进入死亡之地。”
- Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel in 1986, when the US justice department believed he was the sadistic Nazi guard known as Ivan the Terrible from the Treblinka death camp. 1986年,当美国司法部门认为德米扬鲁克就是臭名昭著的纳粹死亡集中营警卫“恐怖的伊万”的时候,他被引渡到以色列。
- That summer 300,000 were sent away to death camps, mostly to Treblinka. 那年夏天有30万人被送往死亡集中营,其中大多去了特雷布林卡集中营。
- Buchenwald - opened in 1937 - had no gas chambers as in the Auschwitz death camp, but prisoners were murdered by lethal injections or being shot, or were worked or starved to death. 布痕瓦尔德集中营建于1937年。不像奥斯维辛集中营,布痕瓦尔德并没有毒气室,但囚犯们会被注射毒针处死,或被枪毙,还有的囚犯则因过度劳累或饥饿而死。
- It is a terrifying account of the Nazi death camp horror that turns a young Jewish boy into an agonized witness to the death of his family...the death of his innocence...and the death of his God. 故事讲述了这位年轻的犹太男孩如何在纳粹集中营中痛苦地看着家人、天真的本性和心中的上帝被杀戮、毁灭。
- It's Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. In Jerusalem, two Auschwitz survivors have come together to talk about their experiences 65 years after they first met as teenagers in the death camp. 今天是以色列大屠杀纪念日。在耶路撒冷,二名奥斯维辛幸存者来到一起谈论他们经历。这是他们65年后第一次相聚。