- Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country. 她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊。
- Will China's accession to the WTO deal a blow to Hong Kong? 请问中国加入世贸后是否会对香港带来冲击?
- The natural catastrophe dealt a blow to this country's economy. 这场自然灾害给这个国家的经济带来了严重的打击。
- But he had no time to deal a blow; Theseus struck him but once, and he sank dizzily back till his head smote the ground. 可他根本没有时间发动攻击,忒修斯只一击,他便向后昏倒,头撞倒地上。
- But he had no time to deal a blow;Theseus struck him but once, and he sank dizzily back till his head smote the ground. 可他根本没有时间发动攻击,忒修斯只一击,他便向后昏倒,头撞倒地上。
- The Supreme Court deals a blow to General Musharraf. 最高法院给了穆沙拉夫将军重重的一击。
- Although this decision might seem to deal a blow to environmentalists, environmental groups often argue that the Court needs to take an expansive view of who has the right to sue. 尽管这种决议看起来可能是对环境学家的打击,但是环境组织却通常主张法院需要以一种宽广的视角来解决诉讼主体资格的问题。
- But if a new doce be able to quickly integrate into the team last season, the power play, good strong defense, as soon as possible to deal a blow to the competition. 在大学时代,多西曾豪言对抗2007年的状元秀奥登,结果被后者完全打爆,多西很快成为人们的笑谈。
- A blow to the stomach made him curl up. 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来。
- He went to the park to get a blow. 他到公园去呼吸新鲜空气。
- To deal a blow to. 给予打击
- The enemy was dealt a death blow. 敌人遭到了一次致命的打击。
- Rival versions of the human genome, or "book of life", have concluded that there are fewer human genes than scientists had expected, which could deal a blow to researchers wanting to find new drugs to fight disease. 人类基因组,即“生命之书”的两家版本揭示出,人类基因比科学家原先预估的要少。 这对打算由此发现新药战胜疾病的研究人员,大概是一个不小的打击。
- A blow on the head knocked him out. 头上的一击使他昏厥。
- She caught him a blow on the chin. 她打了他下巴一拳。
- He wanted to sum up strength to deal a final blow. 他想集中力量作好最后一击。
- With the effects of the housing slowdown likely to be non-linear ? a big fall in prices will deal a blow to public confidence and the financial sector will not remain unscathed ? the Fed has to weigh further moves carefully. 由于住宅市场放缓的效应可能呈现非线性特点,价格的大幅下跌会打击公众信心,金融领域也不会幸免于难,因此,美联储需要仔细权衡进一步的行动。
- That failure was a blow to my ego. 那项失败是对我自尊心的一个打击。
- To deal a sharp,resounding blow. 重击猛力且响亮地击打
- He struck the man a blow at the chin. 他一拳打在男子的下巴。