- deafness with adverse qi 气逆耳聋
- His struggle with adversity is fruitless. 他徒与不幸挣扎而毫无结果。
- Flunarizine had good effect on sudden deafness with a response rate of 74.2%. 氟桂利嗪能改善大脑和内耳的微循环,氟桂利嗪治疗组有效率为74.;2%25。
- A project such as this can easily get out of hand, with adverse results. 像这样的专案很容易失控造成相反的结果。
- Subsequently, the pharmaceutic mechanisms and clinic effects of wanning lung to descend the adverse Qi are also expounded. 随后,从药理及临床实践方面论述了温肺降逆方药的作用及疗效。
- An analysis of 123 cases with adverse reaction of Qing Kai Liang injection. 123例清开灵注射液不良反应分析。
- Result: Flunarizine had good effect on sudden deafness with a response rate of 74.2%. 结果:氟桂利嗪能改善大脑和内耳的微循环,氟桂利嗪治疗组有效率为74.;2%25。
- A good curative effect can be gained by using the method of lowering the adverse Qi to removing food stagnancy,resolving phlegm and removing blood stasis and resolving hard lump. 认为胃石症的发病关键在于胃腑通降失司,气滞、食停、痰浊、血瘀为其主要病理因素,临证灵活运用降气消积、化痰祛瘀法,同时辅以软坚散结法可取得显著疗效。
- His struggles with adversity are fruitless. 他徒与不幸挣扎而毫无结果。
- Debt-ridden farmers were struggling with adversity. 负债累累的农民在厄运中苦苦挣扎。
- The former summarizes my teacher"s rich experiences and puts forward that wanning lung to descend the adverse Qi may be used proportionally when treating asthmatic children on attacking stage. 前一部分,总结导师诊治本病的丰富经验,提出治疗小儿支气管哮喘发作期时应坚持温肺降逆思想的运用。
- Result 23 cases of the child venous transfusion with adverse reaction was promptly treated. 结果23例小儿静脉输液反应经过及时处理均未发生意外。
- This thesis comprises two parts of the strategic exploration on wanning lung to descend the adverse Qi in treating asthma for children and the TCM treatment survey on attacking stage. 本论文包括“温肺降逆法在小儿支气管哮喘急性发作期运用探讨”和“小儿支气管哮喘发作期中医药治疗概况”两部分。
- They embrace their deafness with pride and note that they have a cultural identity all their own. 他们以聋自傲、欣然接受,并指出他们有共同的文化特性。
- Objective To investigate the prognostic value of sudden deafness with or without vertigo and tinnitus. 目的探讨突发性聋伴或不伴眩晕与耳鸣对判断预后的价值。
- Objective: To explore the effect of treating sudden deafness with hyperbaric oxygenation and medicine. 目的:探讨高压氧配合西药治疗突发性聋的疗效。
- When faced with adversity she was never tempted to give up. 面对逆境她从未想过放弃。
- hemorrhagia with adversed qi 气逆失血
- How we cope with adversity is also a learning experience. 如何去应对逆境也是一种需要学习的经历。
- lowering the adverse Qi to removing food stagnancy 降气消积